
Touch a nerve? It's been 4 posts and you haven't even made a point yet. Don't flatter yourself.

Yeah, that was a strange line of thought. "We have divorces here! The weather sucks! The taxes are high!" Probably isn't the most effective line of discussion. I mean let's talk about standard of living; he claims that he spent $80 the last time he took his family to McDonald's. Now, looking at the conversion

Well, number 2 certainly suffered from the unfortunate affliction of teeny douchebags, but number 1 and 3 were fucking hilarious.

Well, I guess when your pathetic attempt at an argument falls apart around you, it's time to fall back on homophobic snark. just went full Freeze Peach? That's so fucking cute of you.

Were we comparing this to the US's remarkable talent at murdering thousands of brown people, or it's ability to continue to deny millions of its citizens equal rights and protections under the law?

That actually sounds remarkably like my HS experience. It was completely segregated by academic ability from about 6th grade on. And I went to a public school, not some sort of super competitive private school.

So what you're saying is that you're pretty sure that your whining about those horrible Democratic votes and politicians was really just a bunch of irrelevant circle-jerking?

Because the Republicans are a bunch of increasingly irrelevant dinosaurs who can't be bothered to even try to represent the interests of anyone who isn't cis, straight, white, Christian, upper-middle-class-or-higher, and male?

America's problems cannot even begin to be touched be solved by paying fast food workers more money.

Sounds like a pretty good deal...if I don't need to worry about those things, then I'm pretty sure I can get by just fine even with much higher taxes.

Wait, you mean Freeze Peach doesn't obligate you to offer up your site as a platform for every single asshole who walks through the door, without regard to what they say, or how they treat their host?

You know he's got to be completely seething right now...

I'm not really anti stuff like this in theory. I mean I actually find a lot of meat substitutes pretty good...which most of my friends and family find utterly baffling.

I had a friend who drank that stuff all the time. He was a super scrawny teenager who apparently had some idle fantasies of bulking up a ton.

Yeah...I mean unions kind of suck in a lot of ways, but I haven't seen anyone propose a better (or even remotely viable) alternative to keeping employees from getting completely hosed, over...and over...and over.

I saw that...

Cue the Libertarians BarkingMadFuckingIdiots descending on this post to explain all the reasons why paying people a wage that they can actually live on is a bad thing, and how if you pretend that the problems that you are trying to solve aren't actually problems at all (and completely ignore reality as a whole), the

I've heard a lot of different stories from many queer people in GB. Some are pretty good, some are very bad. And you definitely don't know what you're talking about when it comes to being queer in the US.

And yet you got so pissy that I didn't bow down to your apparent expertise on this matter.