Sorry you were too stupid to use that experience to make an even halfway decent point. That must be very hard for you.
Sorry you were too stupid to use that experience to make an even halfway decent point. That must be very hard for you.
You understand that doesn't mean that it didn't have an impact don't you?
Was there a point you were trying to make that wasn't hopelessly stupid?
Pretty sure we can fault them pretty severely actually. Bigots don't deserve a free pass. Ever.
Both of mine kind of sucked actually.
As it turns out...cis, straight people on average are pretty fucking douchey to queer people everywhere.
Undoing that insanely bullshit law doesn't absolve the UK from fault for passing it in the first place, nor for the massive harm it caused over its duration.
No, it really isn't TheWorstThing. But as you say, it is just so pointlessly douchey.
I don't see the problem here. Queer groups have been throwing bashes to raise money for AIDS for decades, to great effect.
Has anyone ever said some variant on that bit of self-congratulating masturbatory word vomit who wasn't a totally obnoxious self-serving faux-activist?
Guys...stop making us look bad in front of all the straight people....
I think rehabilitation is great as general ideal. Should definitely be the model sought for petty criminals, drug charges, anything non-violent, and maybe even some of the violent stuff, provided that it stemmed from a momentary error in judgement.
"Dur, I don't think first degree murder is a fair charge..."
Too bad the "pro-life" fuckwits didn't do more to promote birth control to prevent most of those pregnancies from happening in the first place.
I got to where the alpha/beta male thing started, and kind of rolled my eyes. The only people that I've seen who seriously buy into that are one and all complete idiots. And usually mega assholes. And often pretty damn sexist and homophobic.
"Look at this asshole....claiming my restaurant wasn't good. I know what I'm going to do! I'm going to track down his personal page and begin screaming at him! Surely this will convince everyone that I am both a completely rational, balanced human being, but also demonstrate that I excel in hospitality. What could…
or what folks should care about
I'm guessing your name is meant to be ironic? Because if there's one thing you're not good at here...