
I thought Tolkien-ism was when the only black people in your story are a fundamentally evil, inhuman race created by using dark magic on noble white people, who work as servants for the BigBadAsshole. Oh, and the only brown people in your story are "wicked men from the east" who also happily work as mercenaries for

So you're doing something annoying and sexist, that you've been directly told is both annoying and sexist...and you're now whining about being called annoying and sexist?

It's almost like it has nothing to do with altruism or nobility, and is just a transparent attempt to manipulate their way into your pants...

You mean man-children pulling a bunch of 'benevolently' sexist crap, pretending it's based on altruism, or some other sort of moral superiority, then throwing a fit when people either don't give a fuck or find it annoying, instead of heaping praise on to them for their 'nobility'. Then said man-children whine about

Dear Fundies,

Omg, you are adorably stupid.


So I was eating when I opened this article.

Because there aren't any articles on abortion today.

White people, we need to talk about this pumpkin thing.

Settle down sweetie, I'm coming by to tie your shoes for you. No need to throw another tantrum.

Definitely on team "Give it Back".

The "ethics" argument is just the best part...

Nope. That's the thing, annoying was as bad as it got. At no point did I ever feel threatened.

My own personal experiences with "gamers" (aka the identity, going beyond simply liking videogames) hadn't exactly left me with positive impressions or anything. I mean I like videogames too, quite a lot. I just can't stand the majority of the people I have encountered through them.

This one time when I was visiting a friend at her women's college, a random group of students started referring to me and another male friend as her penises.

Speaking from experience, "I fucked your brother!" is extremely good at getting people to shut up.

in which I have to buy candy for less fortunate children.

Something about loving thy neighbor? Evidently, the fundies interpret that mean "Be a massive douchebag to everyone who doesn't share your beliefs"

Traditional Family Values = "I want to be able to shit all over everyone who isn't like me, have the government openly help me do it, and then receive praise for my douchebaggery."