

No complaints here. I watched that mess unfold. I was making "TERF or MRA?" bets with myself for the first part of it. Then it just got more and more essentialist without enough shit talking about Y chromosomes, so I figured they must be an MRA.

Well, considering that they have no comment history to speak of, and cracked a fat joke elsewhere in this article, I'm pretty sure it's safe to call "troll" on this one.

That'd be great. Between Madame Anti-Diversity, and the dipshit pontificating from a completely fresh account, I think it'd be of great utility.

I'm not super familiar with the shows, but I agree, sex between characters is often an important part of telling their relationships and story.

Did no one tell you? The only thing we're good for are shopping buddies and comic relief.

There is no point and they add nothing to the plot.

Their point is that they don't actually have a point. But maybe if they invoke Godwin loudly enough, we'll somehow fail to see how their position isn't really any more evolved than "I don't like this thing, therefore you can't have it either".

It's almost always a good thing.

Right. Because it's impossible that someone might come to the incredibly obvious conclusion based on...all the evidence out there that abortion - even if said person finds it personally distasteful - does far more good for society than harm. And that attempts to restrict or outlaw it are useless at best, more often

Honestly, if you're still following first wavers at this point in time, you really are an idiot.

Honestly, you can't really "properly argue" with a fanatic who is willing to ignore or flat out lie about the topic in order to further their agenda. If they're not willing to act on good faith, then you're in no way obligated to afford their positions any sort of respect.

Well, it's the same way they use "family values" when attempting to interfere with or break up the types of families that they don't like.

pro-abortion articles

Whine, whine whine. Come back when you finally figure out what I was saying. Clearly, the whole thing is just going straight over your head.

I've only seen a few episodes (this was probably 3 or 4 years ago).

U MAD?'re too dumb to understand anything I just said?


"Well, this is an embarrassing way to be photographed..."