Look, I found the best answer a couple years ago:
Look, I found the best answer a couple years ago:
The anti-choicers frequently claim to be advocating for fetuses. Fetuses don't really have an opinion on the matter, no do they share their non-feelings about the whole thing. Therefore the anti-choicers a) control the narrative, and b) are not fetuses themselves, and therefore cannot possibly be more than allies. …
I feel like the real theme there is "A lot of Christian fundamentalists are so supportive of telling other people what to do with their bodies and lives, to the point of trying to legally force their beliefs on to them."
I'm glad I don't either.
1) That's fucked.
Bootstraps dammit, weren't you born with yours?
I've done this a few times before (no, never on a car), it's actually quite easy and doesn't require any particularly exotic, or controlled chemicals.
I think part of what really gets me about these people (massive hypocrisy and fascist desire to force their own beliefs into other people's lives aside) is the same thing that bothers me about a few other "movements" out there.
It's murder, at any stage.
Wait, so Stand Your Ground is not only racist, but also sexist too?
Having dealt with no lack of homophobic bullshit from those assholes, I'm glad to say they're not mine either. The violent misogyny just further justifies my choice on that front.
So you mean dressing in a manner most commonly associated with rich white people isn't the best way to appeal to those are not rich (or having wet dreams about someday being rich) white people?
That's a cute fantasy you have there.
This kind of shit has just reinforced my decisions to steer clear of anyone who goes out their way to identify as a "gamer".
can I not find love?
Oh shit! This was so incredibly believable.
I give them credit for enthusiasm I suppose, but they're about a billion times too obvious to be anything beyond "mildly annoying".
troll/10, fuck off.
Yeah, they might want to hold off on any sort of nationalist pride for a good century or two. We all know what happened that last time that got out of hand.