
Thanks for underscoring another favorite myth of the cinematic Teutonic, that all of us six+ footers are stalking around in our Waffen SS uniforms swinging our blond hair around.

Please, tell me more about all the persecution faced by German people, and how this dramatically limits their opportunities in life, makes them targets for violence, and decreases their protections from government institutions, etc...

Is this an acceptable time to laugh at the libertarian assholes who whine about "forced integration" from employment non-discrimination laws?

...There's a Facebook page? Oh shit. People are always claiming that anonymity is behind rampant internet douchebaggery, but it seems that a lot of people have no issue whatsoever with attaching their real names to some of this shit.

Omg, you are a gem.

libertarian douchebag

Pickham, I have a confession to make.

I was actually just thinking "young Stalin?" further up the post. The whole mass murdering thing is really too bad, he was a good looking guy.

Seriously, there's attempting to moderate social changes, keep the rate of them gradual, and trying to steer people away from major mistakes and pitfalls. Then there is fighting tooth and nail against any and all forms of change long past you've exhausted any sort of rational basis for your objections.

Evidently you'd have trouble grasping it anyway. Piss off.


Oh've met Ellen? I can't tell if she's a very dedicated troll, or just utterly deranged. Favorite pastimes include referring to Muslim people as "savages", and then screaming about how everyone who points out how obviously fucked up nature of her language must be a misogynist and totally, 100% on board

Better decades late and completely half-assed than not at all I suppose?

I had one try that with one of my classes in college. It was weekdays in the late morning. Aka, I couldn't open, but I could still do day shifts after class, and my evenings were free. They knew perfectly well that I had it. The scheduling manager had me sit down with her and write out and entire chart of my

I have a family member involved in that business. I don't think he makes bad money, but he spends all of it and then some on stupid shit, so he's always short on cash. And he basically hits like 95% of used car salesman stereotypes.

Seriously...anyone having difficulty understanding the differences between the two should probably submit themselves for an evaluation, and never work in medicine, customer service, or any job where you have to deal with annoying people before they end up dumping arsenic on someone's pizza.

I'm genuinely surprised that they didn't find a way to pair up with Paula Deen for some good old butter-fried butter or something.

I'm sticking with Gwyneth. Yeah, she's a completely out of touch idiot, but I'll take stupid but well intentioned over malicious any day.

...I'm pretty sure that most "chocolate" candy in America doesn't even have enough cacao in it to be affected. I'm pretty sure most of it can't even legally be designated as actual chocolate in a lot of other places, but instead as "chocolate flavored" or something.