Brock Tune

Not to nitpick, but that device doesn’t really represent the “internet of things”or smart devices, since it has no internet or remote connection. Its definitely an overly/poorly designed device, though I’m a bit baffled by the claim it costs the company over a $1000 a year? Water coolers, even at the top end, aren’t

Everyone will read into it what they want I guess, I watched that roundtable though and it came across to me much more as a show runner hearing about an actor’s discomfort and thinking that was a good opportunity to challenge her and/or capture a moment of something real/interesting on camera. There really isn’t

Late reply, and maybe a non-point, but I’ll just point out there are two beyond meat burgers, the “beast burger,” which is more commonly stocked and found in grocery stores, and is a pretty typical veggie burger, and the “beyond burger” which is a bit more of a specialty item and harder to find, it comes packaged and

That’s not even the worst part guys! Get this...these perverts actually FILMED the whole thing! And then they posted it on the internet!!!

I remember going to the mall with my parents and them giving me a handful of quarters so I could pass time in the arcade while they shopped. I saw that game ($1 a play at the time), and ended up using all my quarters probably in 5 minutes playing the dumb thing. It was not my favorite arcade experience.

And Eddie Murphy used to go out of his way to give poor transsexuals a ride, even at 2 or 3am in the morning. What has Kathy Griffin done for the trans community?!

I must have missed this the first time around, reading the op-ed now, I’m mostly just confused as to why she wrote it. Its just kind of a weird sentiment throughout, using the Weinstein scandal as an excuse to launch in a bit of self-congratulations, deriding beautiful women for being insecure or naïve or for just not

Maybe its my poor internetting skills, but this sketch seems to have disappeared from the world wide web. I think we may have all underestimated the power of safelite.

I’m not sure there’d be much of a point. Non-force users wouldn’t have the reflex to use a lightsaber for its most effective purpose, deflecting lasers, so really its just a really dangerous sword (for the user as well), and for regular soldiers swords aren’t going to do them much good (I mean just like today, there

I didn’t think it was a bad movie, but I also didn’t really come out of it feeling like there was much of a point to it. To start off though, I’m not really the biggest fan of the original either. I recognize this film is a good continuation of the original story, but other than being that I kind of left feeling like,

I remember DC and Disney doing a similar dance with Batman vs Superman & The Force Awakens, I am sure there’s market research showing increased audience engagement by having properties ramping up hype on top of hype like this and its all fairly intentional.

I’m sure there were MANY people internally who said this was a bad idea, just makes you wonder how big a check Northrop must have written to get people to equivocate on just basic common sense.

Why the heck hasn’t there been more Fray?! I know I’m in the minority, or maybe completely alone, and I probably make this post everytime there’s comic news related to Buffy, but c’mon! I found the comics revisiting Buffy and Angel to be underwhelming (though to be fair I gave up on Buffy season 8 after the 3rd TPB,

I actually liked this episode more than last week’s. Last week’s episode felt very juvenile, like a 13 year olds idea of how court cases and arguments work, and just seemed to flounder around a lot of the dialogue and ideas. Simpler retreads like this week’s or the zoo episode seem a much better fit for the

“if you’re wondering why something with such a star-studded cast is coming to a TV network you’ve never heard of, it’s because the Paramount Network is just Spike with a different name”

I did get the impression from the previews that the ensemble aspect of Trek might come into play a bit more when we get onto the Discovery. These two episodes are almost like a primer on Michael. The next episodes, where we get onto the titular ship, is where the show becomes whole.

Out of all the washed up celebrities chosen for the show, why are we singling out Muniz to be snarky about? Did he do something especially grievous to earn some extra :eye rolls:?

Kind of obviously wrong! Marry Jim, fuck Dwight, kill Michael. Jim is clearly the tall good looking all-american man I want to be on my shoulder, Michael is wholly useless as a partner and a lover, and Dwight is absolutely in animal in bed. C’mon!

I remember being bugged by his big romantic gesture in the final season. Not the gesture itself, but just how little he had to do with it, the whole creating a DVD of Jim-Pam moments from all the years past. Its literally Jim looking at a camera and being, dude, can you make this for me? Cool, thanks! And its treated

The show clearly just never had an idea of what to do with Andy. Andy was obviously initially created to just be part of the Stamford office, and was written as an unlikable comic foil for Jim. But the writers probably really liked Ed Helms and spent the rest of the show struggling for ways to create an actual