you’re ruining it.
you’re ruining it.
how can this man not tell that i love the baby
kill me
She also organizes my colognes and combs.
Nanny reads this article like
the subject of this interview is me. it me, the rich baby
Step 1 cannot be understated. Just did the same move (except from Atlanta), and after discovering Seattle rent prices/housing market, I’m glad I had a gig before I moved.
I thought we were against people moving to Seattle. Isn’t that why we made the rains so much myth and have the Seattle freeze for newcomers?
Just as native speakers of English still manage to write lots of errors, so do native Spanish speakers. A trained translator is not the same as a native speaker. Nice snark though.
Don’t laugh at the stock photo of that child. My own daughter was recently diagnosed with shutterstock. She has watermarks all over her face and body, and she refuses to go outdoors.
Biased in favor of... facts?
There’s a pretty good argument to be made that Marshawn is more comfortable with Conan than every other member of the media combined. Which, frankly, is how it probably should be.
Remind me to never go to a magic show with you.
Thanks for paraphrasing the article in a much less entertaining way and adding nothing new at all.
I’ll keep in mind that a lesson learned is more important than food on the table.
Interesting article. Having mucked out and moved the outhouse a couple of times with my Dad at the cottage, I learned to appreciate humus toilets. I still don’t know what the three sea shells are for however...
I disagree. I of been in some scary storms and I of been scared by thunder that os been very loud. Ofn't you?