
The point Google is trying to make is that Apple CAN support RCS. It is supported by multiple manufacturers and is a public standard. Google is not permitted to support iMessage because Apple won’t allow third party support.

It really isn’t. It’s full of fundamental errors in understanding, some of which show he hasn’t even actually read the article in front of him, let alone understood it, and the fact that you apparently don’t realize that is rather sad and depressing.

I think this is primarily an issue (that Google is more than happy to jump on) because Apple refuses to adopt RCS, which is a universal, global communications standard. It’s not a Google invention or exclusive.

I never negotiate with little terrorists.

It is a breath of fresh air to learn about a device before launch, another company could learn a lot from Google

I actively hated that movie.

If you can’t see the difference between a bunch of rich people organizing to protect their investments by telling other people what to do (because that’s what HOAs are/do) and labor organizing for better working conditions, then I don’t know what to tell you. You’ve completely lost the plot.

Your first sentence is reason enough why I will never live in an HOA neighborhood. That’s not the kind of community involvement I want in my life. I cannot imagine devoting any kind of time or energy to policing how the rest of the neighborhood looks/behaves. You could not pay me enough money to spend any amount of my

In our more than 50 years of marriage, we have owned homes both in and out of HOAs. The last house we purchased, in 2012, will in fact be our last and we searched long and hard to find a house we liked with the features we needed/wanted but with no HOA.

I mean, the #1 red flag is, it’s an HOA contract.

Congrats to you, I guess?

The two I’ve worked for recently have been 100% Microsoft Office.  I’m not against it.  It’s expensive but I really do enjoy the Microsoft suite of software.

Now playing

This is worth watching. The very first thing Taibbi does is demand an apology, and he just unravels from there.

Axolotl. I mean, c’mon.

You didn’t mention the #1 issue: drywall dust! That stuff gets everywhere and will kill your vacuum in no time. A shop vac is best, but even then it does a number on your filter.

Buddy. I’m sure that’s super good. But this is the frozen pizza department.

The handles of a pot on the stovetop aren’t nearly as hot as, say, a cast iron pan coming out of the oven or a paella pan coming off of a grill.

The most surprising part to me is that they actually had 1,600 employees to lay off.

I can take a category 1 piece of meat, cook it, salt it with category 2 salt, and now I have a category 3 meal, or a category 4 if I put it in the fridge and sell it as ready-to-eat. How’s this helpful again?