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    Vivarium is one of the most unpleasant movies I’ve watched in a long time. Half of it is literally a kid screaming. I get what they’re going for, but....man...just....stop with the screaming. One star.

    Sunflower nuts are a must in tuna salad

    Sure, if the “interests” are purely consuming content. Let the kid like what he likes. I try to engage my son in a number of things that I enjoy (cooking, hiking, biking, nature/science, gardening, fishing, camping, photography, some sports etc). Bringing those things into his life has been relatively successful

    This is going to blow my 6-year-old’s mind. 

    Which half? 

    This all sounds very intensive. I’m lucky to have a solarium attached to the back/south of my house (In Minnesota). The stronger sun by mid-march makes starting seeds pretty simple “set it and forget it.” My basil and greens are usually ready to start clipping by early May, and I have nice strong hardened tomato

    Call the customer service line to inquire about a refund. 

    Buying a new car isn’t nearly as much of a no-no as people think. It’s more about knowing (as you mention in another item) the opportunity cost. If you’re planning on keeping the car for a long time, interest rates are low, and you shop wisely, a new car can be a good investment (especially with recent used car

    Perkins on the north end. French dip, endless coffee, and cigarettes until 1am was always our “secondary” option if nothing else was happening in town 

    “Now we’re cooking [our lungs] with gas!”

    IDK, I’m not really a fan of trying to “upscale” my frozen pizza with “good ingredients.” It’s always felt like my reducing the quality of the good ingredients rather than improving the frozen pizza. I generally just find a good mid-tier frozen pizza and enjoy it for what it is.....with a liberal dose of Franks hot

    Yeah, but they’re going to 100% keep it walled in the Apple ecosystem. 

    You probably weren’t moving scalding hot vessels. If you touch 400°F+ metal with damp cloth you’ll know it very quickly and painfully. Just hop it’s quick enough to set it down safely where you grabbed it from.

    But do push the little daisies and make them come up. 

    Obligatory: A food isn’t healthy or unhealthy. Health is a physiological (+ mental, social, emotional) category/continuum (and even in those contexts can be hard to define).

    Okay dude. you convinced me the globalist cabal were in her ear piece and forced her to apologize. I’m sure she’ll end up dead in an “accident” soon. Great job cracking the case, Sherlock.

    Man. If you’re going through CNN clips hoping to uncover globalist cabal conspiracies, you REALLY need a hobby. Who TF cares why she said it, but it looks more like she’s reacting to the co-host looking cross at her. Anyway, first maybe stop listening to Dave rubin, second go look at the air quality research about gas

    Kick rocks with this stupid “gaslighting” BS. They say it in the clip itself. It can be and is about both climate change and personal health. That’s the case any time you’re carbon/fossil fuel. Even moreso when you’re burning that carbon in your home. 

    I think the issue is most of them are much less powerful than needed to fully mitigate the issue because to install adequate CFM required for the hood to clear the CO2 and other toxins requires a fresh air make up kit in most municipal codes. This is particularly true in northern areas where houses are sealed tight in

    I ended up installing Lutron Caseta throughout my house four years ago. After extensive personal testing, I can confirm it’s 100% effing awesome. Can’t speak for the other systems, but if you’re looking and don’t mind spending some money, the Lutron system is well worth it.