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    Sure, but a company’s culture can’t be blamed entirely on a policy. It’s likely those companies would have been just as toxic with use it or lose it. 

    And all I’m saying is that a policy that allows for PTO banking/payout does nothing to keep you from using your PTO this year, but limits others’ options and potentially robs them of compensation.

    Then you get paid for it when you leave your job. 

    The funny thing is that with PTO banking you can still “use it. Plus, even with a generous 2x annual accrual banking, you’ll still have a “use it or lose it,” but only after a nice asset to sit on. Not sure why anyone would prefer a policy where you can “lose” earned compensation. It’s like saying I prefer to be

    Yeah, we dropped to 1.5x annual accrual (which is about 330 hours for me) from 2x a few years ago, and I was able to keep about 100 hours grandfathered in a separate bank that I don’t touch. So I usually stay around 400 hours total. It gives me some flex if I can’t take time for a few pay periods before I need to take

    Yes. That’s the problem. PTO is part of the compensation package, and should have a tangible value for the employee. Taking that away is basically wage theft. 

    Yes. “Use it or lose it” is the problem. Employees should be able to bank at least a year’s accrual (preferably 1.5-2x or unlimited bank). Perceived “unlimited” PTO is no substitute for bankable PTO.  

    You can’t be paid out for unlimited PTO when you leave

    There are also a bunch of Criterion Collection Blu-rays for $19 on Amazon right now.

    There are also a bunch of Criterion Collection Blu-rays for $19 on Amazon right now.

    Ideally, lifting mask mandates should be tied to vax/infections metrics. Thankfully, I live in an area that was good about masking through the spring and is now pretty much at herd immunity with basically no community spread, so I (being vaxxed) feel completely comfortable going just about anywhere in my community

    Frozen jalapeño poppers are also surprisingly good on the grill.

    Yes! I installed a Lutron Caseta throughout my house (20+ dimmers/plugs/switches controlling about 60 bulbs + a handful of Kasa plug switches since Lutron doesn’t make a non-dimmer plug switch) about 2.5 years ago, and it’s possibly one of the best home purchases I’ve made. Wasn’t cheap, but man it’s awesome. The

    Unidentifiable self-reported health and wellness data don’t qualify as PHI under HIPAA. I’m not even sure how your insurance company would even get your responses to anonymous online survey.

    Here’s a leak of what looks like a Ford made cap. I like it. Hopefully it’s light, easily put on/off, and not too bleedingly expensive. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/ford-maverick-truck-bed-cap-204000683.html

    We have a big rhubarb patch so I’m always looking for uses. I’m only good with one baked good per season, so most springs I make a bunch of rhubarb simple syrup. This year I infused a bottle of gin and it’s excellent. Plus it’s a great way to use up a ton of rhubarb.

    Naw. My use of the device controls has tanked since it moved. It’s just not convenient and literally every other quick setting is specific to the phone. I also don’t need another way to activate assistant, so changing that functionality makes the power button long-press useless.

    Moving device controls from the power menu to the quick settings is my least favorite change to Android in years. I hope they come to their senses and move it back. 

    I may be misunderstanding the intent of this article, but it’s my understanding that you can’t set up Roth IRAs for non-working dependents, so if you’re looking to save money for a youngish child’s future education, it seems like it makes more sense to use 529. If you’re saving for retirement, then the IRA.

    Electrostatic would have been cool, but more expensive and probably harder to wrap with a picture. It also wouldn’t have good frequency response without a traditional driver for lower frequencies. It would have been cool to see some more customized drivers (like square), but that would make this much more expensive

    A $199 speaker/frame seems both reasonably priced and different than what most retailers sell. I can’t speak to its flimsy-ness.