The Supreme Court basically rejected that argument in Clinton v. Jones.
The Supreme Court basically rejected that argument in Clinton v. Jones.
It’s been 3 days and he’s replacing people. That has to be an omen.
You and half the electorate apparently, maybe we can get a do-over
Directly he’d have to pay whatever damages were awarded. Indirectly it could be used as justification for impeachment (“high crimes and misdemeanors” is deliberately vague). I don’t think there’s any chance the trial will be over before the electoral college votes but it could encourage faithless electors.
Ivan converted, and so she and her children are Jewish as well. But I’m sure they think they’re ‘different’. I hope they are shunned at synagogue.
We should go and take pictures of it and post it all over social media. I would enjoy doing that.
Hey Ivanka: Guess whose shoes I keep seeing at the Goodwill?
I’m still terrified. I try and fail to take comfort in three thoughts. Clump will probably be the quickest impeached president in history. There are two months to the inaugaration. Perhaps that video of him eating kittens will finally surface. His tax returns are going to come out eventually.
Mr. Yuk?
Annoying Orange?
Fear not. This was the last gasp of a racist, sexist generation. Look at the breakdown of voters aged 18-25:
I second this. We need to come up with an idea of what Jez should post over his face in every single picture of him for the next four years.
Voter suppression and disenfranchisement, gerrymandering, the electoral college are all things that can be changed. WE can change those through joining efforts to help register people to vote, voting in the mid-term elections, and attending local and state-level meetings for causes you are interested in. Showing up…
My best friend and I are going to join the League of Women Voters. It’s a small step but it’s the best we could do today.
I wish Jez would stop posting his picture.
Meditation is one way. My way was to basically redecorate my apartment.
Is there an app or an add on that will block pictures of him and his family? Like what some people do with the kardashians?
Got a better one. Get to work. Volunteer. Donate your time and/or money at organizations that support the same causes you do. Run for local office. Protest peacefully. Protest not-so peacefully.
I just switched to fucking ‘How to Be Single’ on HBO because Rebel Wilson is more tolerable than these results.
Holy shit we’re fucked.