
I live a stones throw away from Orlando and WDW...I would be piiiissed at people who can’t just experience a show/attraction/life without their stupid bright screen illuminating carefully laid lighting/sets. BUT_ If shit goes down for 911, I had better have access to my phone, so I won’t be seeing the lovely Alicia

If this was a situation that I would have gotten word about in the early stages of his creep behavior- I would have been the Auntie in jail for being a baseball bat carrying beyotch who F*cked up this 24 year old’s whole “package”. I hope he gets some serious Louisville slugger action in jail for being a molester, but

Yes, I try not to look at anyhting that woman does, especially after the dating pedo history crap she put her kids through. Hissss. A pox on her.

My Court Dr!

Everyone click your heels 3 times at midnight whilst wearing shoes that rock. Aaaaand wish really hard while eating something decadent.

Sounds mahvelous- I can take the winters off to jet somewhere warm and also conduct mucho secret plottage for you from afar. Capital idea!!

And now I am adding that request “Shelter that welcomes pets as well as their owners” to my list of must-haves when I am discovered to be the long lost Queen of America...Also- I shall make all abusers and Drumpf live in sheds in the desert sans a/c and wear scratchy thermal undies. (Le sigh, oh the responsibilities).

ooooooohhhh, wait until he tops the 250 lb mark and wears a long black leather trenchcoat. Still I’m someone who would always be appreciative of being rescued by Silent Bob. (And to be fair, K. Smith hasn’t had a lobotomy that I know of.)

Mr. Dinklage to the Drumpf podium, STAT!

Or the recently re-animated corpse of Merv Griffin?

The Worst’s attorney just called and ordered us to stop besmirching the name/brand of “The Worst” with the likes of the infamous douche canoe Justine Bieber.

Grand “HUZZAH!!” on that comment!!!!! You have officially won life, please collect your oodles of winnings at the “Incredibly Mahvelous” table.

Or in better stores, the “Short fingered vulgarians” department. Next to fine rugs and cases of self importance.

There’s a sale at Penny’s!!

Won’t those tee shirt waering fools be pissssed when they find out Jesus is rather tan?

Ughhh!!! Kill it with fire! (The catalog, that is. The republicans are dying a slow horrid death of smug..)

Hmmm, it wasn’t the mailing list for Strom Thurmond?

Shouldn’t there be a federal law that every MLS has to re-name their business some form of the name “Pimp Your Friends and Annoy Your Coworkers”...

So sorry, but the reaaalllll rich girls don’t poop on platters, they crap gift wrapped origami swans.

Prolly! Aaaand a great gold plated daquiri holder on the Vespa.