
I liked season 3. I actually think it would have helped the story they wanted to tell if it had been a little longer. A bit more time to get to know characters that seemed like they were going to be very important like Agnes and Silja might have helped stick the landing better. Also, I could always stand more screen

It’s a crawlspace, not a basement. Granted, they made it like a 4.5' crawlspace instead of the standard 3'.

If it makes you feel better, I remember bursting out laughing at his delivery of that line in the theatre, and everyone actually turning around to look at me because I was the only one who got that joke.

I mean, yeah, even Lorraine is grossed out as soon as she kisses Marty and realizes something’s amiss. I don’t think anyone (who’s seen it recently or remembers it accurately) truly believes that’s what the film is about.

Uh, do you mean Earth-616 or MCU (Earth-199999)? Either way it doesn’t appear to fit in either of those universes, unless maybe Gwen is visiting Earth-616 or the rest of the heroes are visiting Earth-65.

To be fair, it’s the one move they haven’t yet tried.

At last I have found him. The only person who can truly understand me. A.A. Dowd, the other John Doggett fan.