Britton Thompson

Forget why Tony killed Ralphie– whether he was avenging Tracee or Pie O My is of secondary concern. The real treasure to mine is why Ralphie burned the stables that killed Pie O My in the first place. I still insist that petty macho revenge schemes are the true motivators for the Sopranos characters. Ralphie didn't

No, no, no! You're wrong about the trees. The trees don't symbolize "the eternal". And qualifying that statement by saying that trees do represent Eternity because they live longer life spans than humans is a half baked reach. If selecting an element of nature that we all see in our everyday lives to symbolize

I'm about to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt why Tony Soprano was not murdered.

I'm about to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt why Tony Soprano was not murdered.

I thought Tony's epiphany was the mothers= school buses that children want to get back onto when the mothers/buses just want to keep going on their way; similar to Heidi and Kennedy driving on into the night. The thought he conveys to Melfi in the next episode.

I thought Tony's epiphany was the mothers= school buses that children want to get back onto when the mothers/buses just want to keep going on their way; similar to Heidi and Kennedy driving on into the night. The thought he conveys to Melfi in the next episode.

The first time I ever watched this episode I was shocked and repulsed by Tony B suddenly attacking Mr. Kim so viciously. But after multiple viewings, I've changed my position. I've actually grown to celebrate it because Mr. Kim deserved it. Kim spent all his time complaining about lazy Americans while he never got up

I mostly value your analysis Todd, although I am of the opinion you see themes of 'change' and the 'refusal to change' in every shade of The Sopranos that I just don't see, or consider to be the overarching aspect of this series as you do. However, I really dislike this post. You wasted too much time and space on that

I wonder how many takes the director shot of AJ & Tony in the pool, and if the water was heated? Because jumping into freezing waters multiple times during winter would eventually become physically painful to the actors at some point. I love how we're shown AJ getting over Blanca in the couple episodes between their

I wonder how many takes the director shot of AJ & Tony in the pool, and if the water was heated? Because jumping into freezing waters multiple times during winter would eventually become physically painful to the actors at some point. I love how we're shown AJ getting over Blanca in the couple episodes between their

You missed perhaps the most important moment in this episode. Tony snaps at Carlo, telling him he "should go suck a cock instead of watching TV fucking Land! Vito brought in 3 times what you earn!" Carlo is passionate in his disdain for homosexuality. He's an old school mobster. He takes the old ways seriously still.

You missed perhaps the most important moment in this episode. Tony snaps at Carlo, telling him he "should go suck a cock instead of watching TV fucking Land! Vito brought in 3 times what you earn!" Carlo is passionate in his disdain for homosexuality. He's an old school mobster. He takes the old ways seriously still.

To me, Chris's sudden realization he was in a cage was the slow-mo observation of the room laughing at him in the Bada Bing private lounge. They were laughing at Paulie's wisecracks sure, but in Christopher's eyes they were celebrating their triumph of binding his soul to them. You were essentially correct in your

To me, Chris's sudden realization he was in a cage was the slow-mo observation of the room laughing at him in the Bada Bing private lounge. They were laughing at Paulie's wisecracks sure, but in Christopher's eyes they were celebrating their triumph of binding his soul to them. You were essentially correct in your

No, I don't believe Tony truly is as nostalgic about the past as Paulie, Beansi, or anyone else as you claimed he is. Don't forget that Melfi pegged Tony earlier back in season 2 when she diagnosed him as possessing the same traits of a shark– to not continue marching on & focusing only on survival would allow him

No, I don't believe Tony truly is as nostalgic about the past as Paulie, Beansi, or anyone else as you claimed he is. Don't forget that Melfi pegged Tony earlier back in season 2 when she diagnosed him as possessing the same traits of a shark– to not continue marching on & focusing only on survival would allow him

I disagree with your assessment of water symbolizing "Eternity" in this particular case. You also missed the most obvious Tony-Livia connection that occurred early in the episode. Angered by Janice saying he made the necessary changes for their relationship to improve, Tony goes into Livia mode by bringing up that

I disagree with your assessment of water symbolizing "Eternity" in this particular case. You also missed the most obvious Tony-Livia connection that occurred early in the episode. Angered by Janice saying he made the necessary changes for their relationship to improve, Tony goes into Livia mode by bringing up that

Perhaps the larger tragedy of Vito's murder isn't just emotionally & spiritually, but also practically. There is now zero chance of success for the New Jersey based DeMeo crime family should something happen and they need a new boss to succeed Tony. Because let's be honest here– Vito is the only one well rounded

Perhaps the larger tragedy of Vito's murder isn't just emotionally & spiritually, but also practically. There is now zero chance of success for the New Jersey based DeMeo crime family should something happen and they need a new boss to succeed Tony. Because let's be honest here– Vito is the only one well rounded