Britton Thompson

Keeping people incarcerated for months IS considered a speedy trial. Most countries, both now & in 1783 when the Constitution was written, hold people for decades without ever seeing a trial. Naturally, many just die in jail in the meantime as a result. Compared to the rest of the world, only being jailed for 1-2

I honestly don't think I'd label Phil's knee jerk reaction to Johnny Sack crying as being sincere. As in, I don't believe he really, genuinely lost respect for John simply because I don't think Phil ever really respects anybody ever; John Sacrimoni included. I think Phil saw an opportunity more than he saw a weak man

What?! No. The best part of the show/most comical wasn't Paulie yelling, "My balls!". It was the dinner conversation between Phil and Vito; which went like this:

I don't view the terrorism angle as petering out into nothing. Agent Harris told Tony he works terrorism finance, which is generated through illegal schemes in America sending funds back to the Middle East. The "2 Arabs from the Bing" did do credit card scams with Chris & Benny. They also were hugely interested in

I don't view the terrorism angle as petering out into nothing. Agent Harris told Tony he works terrorism finance, which is generated through illegal schemes in America sending funds back to the Middle East. The "2 Arabs from the Bing" did do credit card scams with Chris & Benny. They also were hugely interested in