I don't think this is funny at all. Those kids are assholes.
I don't think this is funny at all. Those kids are assholes.
I'm not pissed because she's attractive. I'm pissed because this story has been getting the equivalent of Missing White Woman-style coverage. As several other commenters have noted, news outlets have basically tripped over themselves to state that the reason this story is so tragic is because she was attractive.
Really? That must be why the headline and story both lead with the fact that she was a blogger. OH WAIT.
Seriously. You too, Jezebel? The only reason this is making headlines is because she was pretty. The original story reported in Dallas didn't even mention she was a model, just a fashion blogger. Headline might as well read "Attractive Person Rendered No Longer Attractive In Freak Accident."
Dude, that's just a normal art car. Houston is famous for them. We have the biggest custom car parade in the world, and I've seen this lady driving her hippo car a million times.
What a jackass.
Yep. I'm like, you're going to be face-deep in my vagina anyway, why bother with false modesty?
Longtime Brazillian convert. I live in Houston where it's hot 9 months a year. Not having that hair just makes me feel more clean, less sweaty. I get it all taken off, too — no landing strip for me.
Now we're getting into circular arguments here, but just to play devil's advocate...
I'm questioning it though. Why does your brother have your father's last name? Why not your mother's?
I had always planned to take my husband's last name because to me, it represented the start of a new family for me and the breaking of all the bad baggage that went along with my old family. I also didn't change my name until we had been married about 4 years because we moved overseas 2 weeks after our wedding and I…
"Its no secret that Odd Future has a love/hate relationship with photographers at shows simply because sometimes they are given access the group wishes their fans would have instead."
Thanks so much for adding even more detail than I knew, having lived in a somewhat sheltered expat community,
I lived in Korea for three years, in a rural community with a lot of expats. My experiences are very limited, but I'll tell you what I know and what helped me cope with living there as a woman.
I don't get why everyone loves that Countdown video so much. I want to see Beyoncé do something truly original, not some homage to Fosse choreography or pin-up girls and Mad Men or Audrey Hepburn and Flashdance. Her music is great but why do all her music videos have to be so derivative?
I use this stuff to clean out the bladder of my Camelbak because it's non-toxic and if you somehow don't completely rinse it out it tastes like peppermint and not soap.
My problem with thongs are... I can TOTALLY TELL when someone is wearing one. Often I can still see the line, and I can see by the way the flesh moves under the clothing.
It's worth noting that the judge's initial order forbid William Flowers from leaving his kids alone with any male. It was amended after Flowers and his lawyer caused a stink.
I've seen them, and he looks EXACTLY like Arnold. How could Maria not have known this?