He was also, famously, photographed as an infant by Diane Arbus, who was friends with his mother.
He was also, famously, photographed as an infant by Diane Arbus, who was friends with his mother.
Add to this the Facebook posts showing cops like rescuing baby ducklings or tying a homeless person’s shoes or doing the Nae Nae or whatever.
You know, the things any decent person would do anyway. But for some police departments think they deserve a pat on the head for this?
“before we were woke”
“message to all unwoke white girls”
“aren’t woke yet”
I had no/low expectations for both Puerto Rico and Berlin, and both blew me away. Thailand was a total disappointment. I had gone to Palawan, Philippines a year before and found it way more amazing than even the lesser-known islands in Thailand, which just had a lot of dreadlocked white people.
“I wouldn’t pretend it’s anything other than a terrible tragedy. But let’s not compound the tragedy by taking yet another life.”
Oddly enough, this statement never applies to the death penalty. Pro-life my ass.
I have no idea why, but this is the sexiest song I know.
Plus this: http://deadspin.com/leaked-interna…
Pretty much no one wants the hassle of dealing with Manziel's shitty attitude.
Required reading:http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/story/1994…
Agreed. Maziel and Dallas deserve each other.
The Texans are well-known for refusing to draft clowns. They want nice guys on the team, regardless of how well they play.
Actually, my experience is that people NOT from Texas won't shut up about Texas. Thanks for adding to that data.
The etymology of "gook" comes from the Korean language, Hangul. "Weyguk" = foreigner . "Meguk" = American. "Hanguk" = Korean. American soldiers during the Korean War bastardized it into a racial slur.
Spouses can not be forced to testify against each other, legally. But keep on thinking that a gold-digger would have done more because all women care about is jewelry.
Spread eagle to slow down. Close your legs and arms down at side to speed up. Point your head in the direction you want to go. Skydiving is awesome.
Good lord, the typos. At least you got my point.
How is this a European issue Several US states have "safe haven" laws that protect a mother from legal ramifications if she drops her baby off at certain locations, such a frie stations, hospitals and elsewhere.
I'm the opposite. If I am in a funk, I can usually look back through the previous two weeks and realize that I haven't run at all. I think some exercise is different. Running works especially well for me because it is so solitary, and it leaves you alone with your thoughts. I also do yoga but don't get the mentally…
Born and raised an Okie. Currently resides in Dallas though.