
That’s not really how a “producer,” is defined. Each “producer,” you see has a specific responsibility or responsibilities in regards to the production. And they’re specifically in the contracts, and listed in the guilds. An Associate Producer is not the producer’s assistant. Executive Producers aren’t necessarily

I think it can be helpful in these cases to remember that this trial is not making some kind of universal decision about how much fault everybody may or may not have had in this incident. It was evaluating only whether Gutierrez-Reed was guilty of involuntary manslaughter. I think the clear answer to that question is


Yours is the greatest comment ever written.

I know Harmon has made mistakes, but I’m always happy that he has a complete self awareness of his own faults and seems to make genuine efforts to improve himself.

*gestures at all the shittiness of modern society and capitalism*...I mean, apparently you can do exactly those things.

I’d also settle for a ghoul or poltergeist. No orbs or banshees!

The whole concept of a “Ghost Kitchen” is such a scam from the get go.

For every wealthy actor, there are hundreds if not thousands of working actors who dont make that much.  Plenty of them waiting tables and working odd jobs to scape by.  

The best gaming subtext is in the scene at the bridge in the Underdark: The DM has set up an elaborate environmental puzzle, but one of the players immediately ruins it up by fucking around and rolling a critical fail, so the DM has to decree that the party has been carrying around another way to cross the whole time.

Reading your comment is exhausting grumpy pants. There’s nothing wrong with trying to find a connection between two versions of something you like. For a game like DnD, it’s inevitable that those comparisons will happen.

The alternate history with black aristocrats is the only thing I found remotely interesting about the show, so if this is leaning into that and doing more exploring into just where the divergence point was, I’m definitely into it.

That’s what the nominees gave the Academy voters. It’s tacky to gift the same thing back!

Guess we’ll have to hold out for a while to see if the dude from the Mandalorian can act convincingly while wearing a mask.

It finally got so frustrating that I put the disc in about halfway through.

It wasn’t a joke. Animation can take a lot longer to produce than live-action television. The longer an episode and the higher the quality of animation, the longer it takes to produce.

That’s why shows like Bob’s Burgers, Family Guy, The Simpsons, South Park, etc. are renewed in batches of three or four seasons

Yeah, how strange to want to be able to drive out of your garage and onto the roads

What a complete and utter disaster from start to finish. I wouldn’t blame Henry Cavill if he just wanted to go on vacation and possibly build PCs and paint some Warhammer figurines for a bit instead. in no rush to have his final film premiere on somebody’s phone while they’re on the toilet.

I just want a training montage in which the characters comment they're in a training montage.