
“Won’t somebody PLEASE think of the transphobes!”

Funny gag that the Godolkin 4 are shown in a promo for Tek-Knight’s show and are said to have disappeared into “a deep dark hole” with a graphic that looks like an anus.  Lest we forget Tek-Knight’s particular fancies. 

I loved Carvel when I was little. There was a store near where I grew up and my parents would take us. But it’s been 45 or 50 years

I had an acquaintance who, after his third DUI, was given a simple choice by the judge: Quit drinking or quit driving. He relinquished his license on the spot. Being self-aware counts for something, I guess.

“Hi, I’m Bad Kuchi Kopi, and I’m an autoholic. I’m six months car free, though”

Whenever I see a story like this I’m just so grateful I managed to quit driving. 

To embrace what you’re ridiculing, you have to also embrace it.”

“Gags” are just what practical special effects are called on set.

Love that:

You could very easily find several songs from White Album, Everything Will Be Alright in the End, or OK Human more essential than “Beverly Hills” or “Africa.” You could slot in “Across the Sea” or “The Greatest Man That Ever Lived” or “Can’t Knock the Hustle.” This list acts like Weezer stopped making music in 2010

It’s almost shocking how well-adjusted the adults the Harry Potter child stars grew up to be are, even beyond the “big 3" of Daniel, Emma and Rupert.

Kate’s got some sort of voodoo doll that sends all her laughs to Amy Vorphal.

I’m old enough that I saw the Matt Foley sketch with Applegate and Spade as it happened. And it was the best thing I’ve ever seen from SNL. This was also great but I will never get over everyone but Hartman breaking because Farley being 1000000000000000000% Farley.

Yeah, there’s a sketch comedy cool kid ethos that says breaking during a sketch represents a kind of violation of a sacred trust between writer and performer and audience. And certainly you never want to go Full Fallon. But seeing a seasoned professional (and a very funny performer) like Gardner just absolutely lose

No one seems less “alpha” to me than Dwayne Johnson. He might as well just get a giant tattoo that says “I’M INSECURE” across his chest.

Don’t really care about any of this, just want to say that John Cena very quickly became one of my favorite people. He seems super nice and he has a record for make-a-wish visits. Pretty awesome. 

I am big on this as David has become an almost defacto “if he is in it, I want to watch it” short list. (very short for me - I am annoyingly harsh on my actors & who really disappear into the roles).

Dastmalchian is so distinctive that I guess it’s not surprising he’s cast in roles like from Dune, but it’s fun to see him flash some charisma before devolving into the disturbed / crazy.  Anyway, trailer looks bonkers and I’m psyched.

What a shit ass thing to say

I know.