
I can’t speak for myself, but I imagine it’s a power thing for men (or anyone, for that matter). Age can be a social signifier of power, paired with other factors like career, money, social status. I do know some guys that prefer to date younger women, or women they consider “dumb” because it makes them feel more

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but 99% of the time a woman regrets having sex with someone, it’s because she was coerced into it in the first place. The concept of sexual regret is a myth largely propagated by a culture of slut shaming, which while still present, has certainly lessened in the last 50 years.

I think the Aziz thing resonated so much because of how relatable it was. I don’t know a single woman who doesn’t have a story about a date like that. It’s less about him doing a bad thing and more about how this is considered normal by man people. The normalization of nonconsensual sex acts, ranging from rape to gray

But that’s the point - women are constantly pulled in opposite directions as to whether or not honesty will hurt or harm them. This is internalized to the point where it’s a natural response without even thinking about it. There’s always that thought in the back of our heads - is this man going to murder me if I

I agree - that’s a major part that women relate to (for clarity: not speaking for all women, but at least the 40 women on my Facebook wall who posted about it so...a sample selection). It’s that internalized rationalization for why men act the way they do and the hope that their vulnerabilities come from a place of

Mostly women in developed countries, if we want to be more specific, race notwithstanding (in this particular instance).

It was mostly women (myself included) saying “wow, I relate to this story personally” followed up by many men saying “no you don’t, this is reverse sexism” followed up by the entire Internet rolling its eyes.

I’m on board with that idea. Time seems to pass in The Good/Bad Place as it does in reality, or is at least measured that way (a month, a million years), so who knows if there’s even a “real” time on earth that corresponds to their number of reboots and time spent in the afterlife at all.

Janitor Charlie Kelly may not be able to read, but he can absolutely teach a course on Bird Law.

Oh, I get it. “He’s A Bad Father” references all the potential storylines - Laurel’s dad, Nate’s dad, and Isaac (as a dad)! It all makes sense!

I honestly didn’t get it for the longest time (or maybe it just felt that way), probably until the episode in Season 1 where they had to pretend to be a couple for the pair of swingers who show up to their house. But I like to think of that as organic chemistry developing over time instead of an immediate attraction

I was thinking about potential loopholes and canon discontinuity- but Eleanor also made a joke about Tahani speaking in a British accent early in the first season. Something like how it must be fake, because if the Good Place translates everything, then why would she hear the accent?

There was so much about this episode that made me squeal, but one that made me think wayyyyy too hard:

AP Bio is a great place to learn the D.E.N.N.I.S System.

I would pay to see Rowan Atkinson and John Cleese* in a very silly boxing match**.

I just hope this turns into a Glenn Howerton-Patton Oswalt buddy comedy.

Thoughts while watching this sitcom pilot: this is clearly a sitcom pilot.

The way her Youtube Teen character was digging her palms into her sleeves and wringing her arms was one of the most physically accurate depictions of myself 10 years ago that I’ve ever seen.

This episode was particularly funny in many of its line reads and sketch premises. But so many of the sketches just....ended. Like, the writers had these really silly ideas, but the sketches just stopped when they ran out of jokes to tell.

Nick’s Robocop experience sounds exactly like mine, except I couldn’t get through the movie. I was 8 and on a “friends and family” trip where all the kids were in the basement watching Robocop and all the adults were upstairs watching some boxing match on Pay-Per-View. It didn’t help that the kids I was with were