
I haven’t gotten to go to many restaurants owned by Top Chef alumni since they tend to be on the pricier side, but Angelo Sosa’s Social Eatz was amazing. It was definitely ideal for a recent college grad looking to “splurge” on classic American fare with an Asian twist. Was definitely my go-to for a bit but it closed

You had me at Garfield Without Garfield. Admittedly, that was the last thing you said but ya still got me.

Middle-of-the-road sells copies to the average reader and has the added appeal of being “better than bad.” I’m looking at you, E.L. James.

Anytime he gets rejected he yells “WAHHHH” (abbreviated from “women”).

I’d say check out any of the episodes of SNL that he’s hosted. He’s always super positive and fully commits to the stupidest bits. I’d say a good comic actor at the very least.

Maybe not for the presidency, but I would absolutely throw my money at a Crews/Rock buddy comedy at the very least.

This line made my blood boil just a little bit.

The Time article was great, but the flashing photos of the accusers at the header of the page are a real gut punch. Especially Rose McGowan’s tear-filled eyes - the impact of everything is right there in that tiny little clip.

The difference one letter makes between “sexist” and “sexiest” is quite significant. Might wanna do something about that, guys.

I would add The Godfather to this list. Mario Puzo’s book is great and all but 1) the movie is a masterpiece and 2) at least the movie knew better to cut the whole subplot about Sonny’s huge dick.

Question - I don’t really watch this show, but I caught a scene at the end where Olivia was speaking to Mellie before this treaty signing; Olivia was speaking with gritted teeth, like she was threatening her or something. The line read didn’t make sense with the context of the conversation at all. Is there something

Yes yes so much.

Also Aja Naomi King is killing it this season. Michaela has become one of my favorite characters. Her reaction to this season’s death is sooooooo far gone from her initial reaction to Sam’s death in Season 1 - her growth as a character has been the most steady and obvious. Everyone else has their ups and downs but

I don’t know why I waited so anxiously for this review (excitement, not dread) - maybe because the midseason finales are notoriously some of the best episodes of the season and that we had virtually no information going into this one. This season has struggled with plot, either throwing it all together in one episode

Mandatory joke about how Christopher Plummer’s character was originally supposed to be voiced by Kevin Space.

THANK YOU! He’s so egregiously bad at proving conservative points that I wouldn’t be surprised if we found out he’s just an actor. I mean, lives in LA, sports the same look in his videos (admittedly, I have not watched anything besides the ones the AV Club has posted of him getting owned by folks on the street because

I know the guy that shot the video, so by default, this Zardulu shit drives me insane.

I’ve really grown to appreciate how Cards Against Humanity started as a bunch of college guys playing “Fucked Up Apples to Apples” and has turned into a successful company that uses its success to troll the government on a fairly regular basis.

I think the issue was he stretched out the bits that didn’t work for too long. The leadup with the Holocaust story wasn’t great, but the line “is it me or is it this whole thing” made me laugh.

We haven’t seen him yet. But for some reason, I feel like this is the season he breaks bad and finally does a murder... all by himself!