Based on the following episode, it appears they’re playing it as consensual. So most likely, the scene was longer but got scrapped in the editing room to fit the strict runtime.
Based on the following episode, it appears they’re playing it as consensual. So most likely, the scene was longer but got scrapped in the editing room to fit the strict runtime.
Looks like it is on tonight... perhaps accidentally omitted from the list? OR no longer being covered by the AV Club? OR will the last 30 seconds of this comment be the part of the comment that entices you to watch next week because you have no idea what the fork is going on with that…
Spoilers for Telltale’s Walking Dead Season 1
Kellyanne Conway talking to a squirrel is probably the most likable she’ll ever be in her career (barring the brilliance of Kate McKinnon’s interpretation) so at least she has that going for her.
Not to mention, I think this is the first time we’ve heard him say fork! Definitely haven’t seen him this authoritative before. Hilarious and thought provoking at the same time.
WJH’s line readings have been utter perfection throughout the whole damn show thus far.
I’m with you here. I think it’s less about Jason and more about her being essentially AI with a conscience.
I love this show, but I had one of those fridge logic moments when Chidi reads Michael’s essay about Victor Hugo (“Sacre bleu, I peed in m’pants!”). Didn’t he say in the pilot that he interprets everything in French because the language of the Good Place is automatically translated for the character’s native language?…
I was once “The Onion” for Halloween. Dressed in all white, green hairpiece, satirical news headlines pasted all over my clothes.
Am I the only one who thought that Laurel having sex with Frank in the car seemed a bit...rapey?
Seriously, even “Sorry, I was high as fuck on cocaine” is a better apology than the one he gave.
Are nudie mags technically silent porn?
That’s my interpretation as well...hopefully not to Kubrick’s level, though. I’ve always envisioned Gilliam as a pseudo-perfectionist eccentric who is likely to scream “BUT MY ART” any time someone disagrees with him.
Reading about Ivanka’s punk phase immediately brought this gem to mind:
Oh god. The trolls are learning how to use punctuation.
THANK YOU for the proper use of cuckholding. Best word in the dictionary has been ruined by people shortening it to “cucks” and I am being sincere when I say that seeing “cuckholding” written out in its original form is refreshing.
Oh god, is “6 seasons and a movie” the “Pickle Rick, bitches!!!!!!!” of Community?
But what’s wrong with drinking Merlot with ice cubes? Ice cubes are crunchy water!
Thank you for adding “Jesus Self-Sodomizing Christ” to the English lexicon. ‘Tis a beautiful phrase.
I love the explanations for what they’re doing in each game and why their tricks work. One of the most fascinating things I’ve ever seen is Narcissa Wright (nee Cosmo) doing an Ocarina of Time run and explaining the history of their progress in breaking the game.