I’m also a fan of rewatching the VODs to soothe me to sleep. It’s not weird.
I’m also a fan of rewatching the VODs to soothe me to sleep. It’s not weird.
They’ve been ruled out because George R. R. Martin / HBO has said none of the prequels will involve any of those stories.
Agree with Schwifty - weakest episode since the pilot.
Honestly, same. I watched the pilot and thought, “Really? This is the show everyone’s telling me I have to see?” I mean, the plot involved a grandfather forcing his grandson to be sodomized by giant seeds. Why does everyone love it?
I have heard rumors that this is a “Nathan For You” bit.
Exactly! The only reason Viagra is even on the market is because a long-lasting erection was a side effect of the intended original use (I believe it was a blood pressure pill as well). But that doesn't mean that just because Viagra was intended to be a blood pressure pill, you're not going to sprout a giant boner…
You win the internet today.
Wow, she really Britta'd that.
Well, that escalated quickly.
Interestingly enough, I saw an international stream of the game and apparently this game is essentially what "The Lost Levels" were for the NES in that it really ups the difficulty. Even if the platformers are over-formulaic and redundant, the increased challenge may make it somewhat worth the while, at least moreso…
Spin recently had a pretty great article/slideshow highlighting 50 songs that sample from video games. It's a pretty fun read + listen, if anyone's interested.
If we're talking from a biological standpoint, there are two factors that influence the gender in which one may identify: their sexual organs, and their brain. The argument of "biological" sex only seems to consider sexual organs as a signifier of gender identity and not the brain. But isn't the brain a biological…
I dunno, man, rape seems pretty violent to me. Hacking on the other hand? That's like cheese and crackers at Grandma's house on Sunday. It's like comparing apples to sniper rifles.
Wow, not only are you not fluent in sarcasm, but you have no conception of irony as well! You, sir, are a winner.
I would have easily thought they'd go with "Parks and Procreation."
And now for something completely different...from this Idaho school's attitude towards teaching human anatomy.