
I really hope that the dueling narrators was just for this episode as a way to speed up exposition for adam, cause I truly hated it in this premiere. It was a classic example of taking a great thing and doing to much.

The have similar styles/looks and premises (female centric and diverse) but I’d argue they’re very different shows. Janes about family, class, healthy romantic love and telenovas... Crazy ex is all mental illness and trauma and people being fucked up (Stupid Bitch summing up the series nicely)

Rosa is too good (and sane) for Pimento. Glad she made the right call.

This is probably a weird place to say something like this, but I’m a guy, and I was sexually harassed by my boss when I was in college. Nothing horrible or graphic, just consistently inappropriate, obnoxious attention that actually got worse when I told him to cut the shit out. I honestly hadn’t thought about it

Was waiting for this story to hit, after checking those Twitter trends.

Paul wasn’t exactly sympathetic at the end of last season when he mocked Lindsay and all but called her a dumb bitch.

Paul as Richard Spencer-lite was brilliant, especially with the throwaway punch-a-Nazi gag. Yes, Paul’s usually a sympathetic character, but yeah, it’s a good commentary on what kind of guys become MRA guys.

Boone seems like a much more together version of Jimmy: quick-witted, funny, but less narcissistic and a lot

Man, I am so very glad that Colin Ferguson turned out to be more than just a one-off character. He was so damned good and charming and likable on “Eureka” and his comedic timing and delivery is just as good as ever here. He deserved so much better than the Maytag commercials, and I’m just glad he’s finally getting it.

Actually I thought it was rather an on-point critique of MRAs, that their “philosophy” is much less about any committed social ethos, than it is about a bunch of guys butt-hurt over getting rejected by women.

I feel conflicted. On the one hand, I agree with everything you said. On the other, I died laughing at “Excuse me. I’ll have a vodka soda...and no, I’m not trying to rape you”. Maybe we’ll get more him down the line sometime and they’ll reveal it was just a bad time for him as he’s trying to find himself or something

I love Bob talking with food hehehe.

I hate it when the suits are right. But boy were they right about both of those elements.

Probably Dad goes full Bill Ponderosa when the fanaticism gets the best of him.

No, voices don’t count as whitewashing. That would be hell for western dubbed Japanese anime and games. There would be outrage daily.

Wasn’t Todd’s ethnicity what spurred on that whole prison gang subplot from season 1? He was courted by both Latin Kings, and KKK, and the KKK guys kept commenting on how he did things like a white guy.

Having roared through all the episodes until 3:30AM last night/this morning (it never really feels right calling it the morning when you haven’t slept yet), I look forward to reading the rest of the reviews. God, this show.

Crackerjack was Honey’s son, Beatrice’ (Bojack’s mom) older brother.

that and the nervous chuckle after is what got me

“We have to dress an actor for Jaden Smith’s retirement party.”

I like this new Lindsey hopefully it lasts. Nice touch how they had her tone down her wardrobe but not to much she still looks like herself.