
I think it is really odd to leave Audrey like that unless they are leaving something open for another season. The two Coopers seemed to retain at least some of each other’s memories. So good Coop should know about Audrey the same way he knows about Diane. We know how strongly he felt about her so it is strange for him

I agree about Issa and Daniel. It was bad timing on his part but he wasn’t trying to be vindictive.

- I felt so tense when Issa called out the Vice Principal’s behaviour in public, then I felt relieved when he laughed, which made me laugh along cathartically

I expect that her trashing her apartment and the notice of rent increase are also connected. (Remember the comment at dinner that the building is going through upgrades). The show is signaling that gentrification will become one of the problems Issa will have to deal with and how people from lower-income neighborhoods

Personally, I think I really loved the ending. What was Twin Peaks about? Strip away all the lunacy and what was it about? It was about a dead girl and the FBI agent trying to solve her murder and thus symbolically save her.

Sorry for shouting, but

Kelli is the beacon of light in all of the embarrassing sadness of the rest of these people.

This episode made me so anxious. These lovable fuckwits need to get their shit together. Poor Issa and Molly.

This was a great episode; can’t wait for the finale next week!

“Girl, I don’t suck dick. Not since Jaleel White... not the famous one.”

man, Issa’s cranky incredulous “NO!” when Rico asked if she still wanted to go to dinner was pitch-perfect. 😗👌🏼

That was more of a no-tation than a hoetation.

I’m gonna take a guess this season involves BoJack trying to make a change in the first episode, abandoning it for the life he knows he’s miserable in, acts nice to his friends until he’s so cruel to them that they don’t want to be around them, and he does nothing to actively help his unhappiness.

Gettin’ real tired of old white men telling me what is and isn’t feminist, in general.

I love how relatable all the characters are, especially when they’re fucking up. This season feels more grounded, more developed (or maybe I’ve gotten to know everyone better), and I’m just really loving it.

i am literally barb from stranger things.