
I was Jane/Rafael in season 1, but now I don't really care about who she ends up with, as long as they're not cardboard.

Right? Part of me wished I was getting it on with the Jinn, if only we knew if he was bi.

And that weird rush limbaugh self-insert historical fanfiction! Or at least that's what it looks like based on the covers

There's nothing that conservatives love more than propane and propane accessories, amiright?

Maybe not conservative politically (i mean, the examples are countless), but maybe in the sense that he's not as outlandish as the rest of his family.

he was definitely a shower, not a grower. 😉

It felt really intimate to me too! I remember a line in the book describing it saying that Salim didn't know where reality stopped and dreaming began. I think the whole scene displayed that really well.

As someone who has an uncle with a comb-over AND wears a hat over it, I agree that shaving is the way to go. You can either look like Bruce Willis or you can look like my uncle (who's also single)

I binged through season two of Masters of None on Friday night after work and wrapped it up Saturday morning.

With the guardians of the galaxy sequel, i liked the main Ego plot better than the plots in the first movie, but the first movie had a way better and more memorable soundtrack.

Episode 6 was one my favorites too along with episode 8

i wasn't a fan of Alexis' outfit at all. She probably would've been fine if she didn't paint her skin green and just wore green glittery eyeshadow.

I'm 25 and I found myself thinking "yep… Look at those teens go…" Then it got weirder because Cole Sprouse and I are the same age

The episode of man seeking woman where the girl the main guy is dating prefers fucking her living breathing sex doll over the guy.

you could say that he got screwed with this show.

maybe charlie would insist on an exorcism, but johann would want to go with a different method

Johan and Charlie bonding over soul transference was one of my favorite gags

Could be doing general ed at community college. A lot of people (including myself) did that

You just described me in high school. Are you me?

Guess studios didn't learn from "Aloha"