
Isn't b99 fairly popular though?

I thought it was Rob they were considering for starlord? But yeah I cannot see Glenn being starlord at all

when i was reading the book (i didn't make it that far due to other commitments), I pictured malcolm mcdowell or some older guy with white hair, but McShane is doing a great job

I've been playing animal crossing for a couple years now. I find it really relaxing. I've thought about restarting a couple of times, but I also don't want to pay debts to Tom nook again.

Twin peaks is good. Most fans (including myself) have the same sentiment about the second half of season two since they reveal the murderer early


yeh but nina doesn't have an enemy and she isn't really a bully either. in roxxxy's season, her and jinx had a feud going on. Nina does have a bit of an attitude, but she's not taking it out on the other contestants

yikes that makes me 12

it almost felt like two worlds coming together because I liked both community AND drag race. Plus i knew she was not only a fan of the show, but she apparently was pretty familiar with drag as a whole too.

If I remember correctly, it stops being considered incest when you hit 5th or 6th cousins

Called it last week on the murderer! There blossom/Cooper thing was a twist, but I want surprised. Hall should've said something way before all this craziness happened

this seems like such a great combo.

I agree, but bisexual is a label too?

Did anyone else think it was weird that the volunteers at the after school program let at least one kid be friends with them on Snapchat?

That was so unexpected. I loved it.

I'm not really getting the people who are saying his performance so far is bold. TV Shadow is more confident, but I wouldn't say he's bold or flashy, they just have him more lines

Raf was killing me with his longing looks at Petra. Big brown puppy dog eyes are my #1 weakness

i liked it too. it wasn't perfect, but it had serious potential.

is it weird that I didn't notice the erica/gail kiss during the wedding? Maybe i just wasn't paying attention

I think Linda would be the one freaking out over the poly relationship. Do you remember how she reacted to her parents being swingers?