Brit on the Side

Many of his gaffes just plain racist.

If she dated you, would she admit it?

I keep expecting the police to pull Jimmy Page in for questioning but no, just more reviews of the Zeppelin rereleases.

I don’t trust blueberries because when is nature ever blue? Dubiousberry.

Wax on, whacks off.

Heh, up here in Jockanesia, the “boaby” is a euphemism based on a London bobby’s helmet:

I have some certificates to return. Completed what training course? Customer Service Ambassador? Don’t jerk me off, management.

I’m the last in the line now, not having any offspring, so I’m ripe for taking whatever name of the kindest woman who wants to tell me not to worry my pretty little head about a thing.

Give me blackberries or give me death.*

Who did this? Was it him or you? Because it’s unbelievable anybody over three years old would type it.

Son of Trump.

You’ve confused talent with free health care at point of need. We may not have the prettiest teeth but they’re healthy.

I think that’s something which has been identified as a Brit thing by the industry here, as in Spice Girls and Girls Aloud.

They’re matching they’re body movements

I’m over 50 and I’d rather listen to Twift than Joan Baez. I never got the fuss. Like your headmistress trying to be as uncool as possible to embarrass you on a tv game show.

Has she done Dancing With the Stars yet? Everybody was slagging off her dancing but look at the extension. She may not be able to twerk but I bet she rocks a samba.

The seventh sky? WTF is that, a Grateful Dead song?

Wait until it screens in Scunthorpe.

What happened on February 14th, 2014?