
The problem is that people with OP’s mindset have a tendency to push an agenda of “this is how things should be because biology/religion etc” rather than just saying “This works for me and my family, and it’s great! What works for you and your family is great too.”

The only thing that suggests we haven’t come a long way is the abdication in earnest of gender responsibilities in the area of biology. There is no reason to believe both genders can’t have fulfilling lives inside and outside the home while still performing duties related to child rearing and provision.

Your comment suggests that we have not come that far at all.

They’ll just spend it all on nail polish and tampons!

Only sons can carry on his family business? Is it operated by using one’s penis to type?

“ Things just went too far and someone got scared”

It’s a good look (also good for shoplifting).

no I know, he is really exceptionally fucking awful. But don’t try to tell me that “normal” men don’t ever look at their daughters and think of them as sexual beings, or possible sexual partners. Donald Trump jokes about this shit. This guy is just on the far-flung fringe of sexualization, he’s not totally off the

welp this is what happens when we collectively obsess over the sexuality of barely-pubescent girls. Fuck this guy in particular, but fuck the culture that encourages his fucked-uped-ness.

Lol, uh, no?

Actually, people can solve individual and social ills thru community. That’s the secret to the success of Self-help support groups like AA.

Um, really? You’d think that drug addicts would be happy as long as they just had social tolerance and access to their drugs? If that’s the case, why in God’s name should anyone frown on drug addiction?

Jesus. You need to out him to the public so we, I mean THEY can ruin his life. Not even kidding. You stay anonymous. Or post it on Glassdoor.

Absolutely. Anyone in a uniform/wearing a badge is automatically a hero. Because reasons.

No. They lied to innocent people. Their sexual relationships with these women amount to rape. They fathered children that they don’t take care of. They obtained zero useful law enforcement information.

But more importantly, how good a football player was he in college?