And are they donating blood every time they’re allowed? And are they on the bone marrow registry? How about a liver lobe?
Yup. That’s why when a forced-birther says the woman has a duty to let the fetus become a baby (and the law should compel her should she not recognize her responsibility), ask them if they have 2 kidneys. When they say they do, ask why they are being selfish and have done nothing to save the 13 people that die every…
Ex-Oklahoma City police officer Daniel Holtzclaw, 29, has been sentenced to 263 years in prison, the full amount…
It’s stories like these that provide a stark reminder that we are actually infants in our journey to extend equal rights to all, or/and to even come to grips with the violent, vicious, immorality that defined and continues to define the human race.
The look on the woman seated behind him is PRICELESS.
It’s my professional opinion that David Daleiden seems like a huge dork
Planned Parenthood’s California affiliate filed a civil lawsuit Thursday against the people behind the Center for…
Maybe because it’s all rumors and nothing is substantiated?
Cool, cool, cool, cool.
Mob mentality took a hold of you quickly
After announcing her desire to start feminist book club, Emma Watson has finally decided on its name: “Our Shared…
Dear Bensimon,
choosing this career path involves the cultivation of a chitinous exoskeleton, involuntary or not
I now have a post-it with her name on it. It will be my bookmark for the 1st one!
Well, I’ve got #1 on my shelf and I’m definitely reading it before watching the show. I’m going to check out whether my library has the rest on audiobook because I am an audiobook addict and listening to a huge series like that sounds amazing!
But I’ve got to read the book first! It’s sitting on my shelf right now, so soon the binging will come.