
My husband is nearly 40, I just recently turned 25 and he rocks my fucking world. Soooo.....

Coming from a woman who stopped keeping count after her bed post notched around 50 something.

When did Aaron Carter turn into a tweaker? He still looks SO sunken and sallow.

Xbox live taught me how to swear when I was a young, 15 year old Christian private school girl. Lol.

I’m a tech millennial who works as a dev and I make JUST enough to pay the bills where I live. I have to run my own side business to stay afloat until I can save up to move away from the California coast.

It’s almost as if this Corey guy thinks that one woman can’t be assaulted twice in her lifetime. Assault isn’t a lightning strike, dumbass.

It’s almost as if people who dedicate nearly half of their early lives to medical education and practice know more on which treatments are safe than politicians who simply need to be a certain age and elected to office by average people. =O WHO KNEW?

Dis! Started using edibles after I exhausted treatments for my fibromyalgia and was pleasantly surprised by how much easier my period week was.

You can prooooobably get it cheaper from your local shop though. Support your local businesses and cultivators!

Why so angry? Lol. You sound super bitter about something. I’d love to know more about what made you this way.

The “I was just joking” excuse is getting REALLY FUCKING TIRED.

Plenty of species actually can change their genders but they also go to the bathroom out in public, regardless of what genders are around them. Sooooo.......?

THIS. Just because a drug doesn’t impact you negatively, doesn’t mean it’s not going to impact someone else differently. Even legal drugs prescribed by doctors impact people differently, from allergies, to whatever else.

On top of that, the illegal status of these drugs means that you might THINK you took LSD, but it

I’m not arguing that. My response was regarding people who think hallucinogens aren’t capable of making us do things we wouldn’t do otherwise.

If he’s guilty, he’s guilty and deserves whatever sentence he is given.

I don’t think intoxication or even mental illness are reasons people shouldn’t end up in jail or prison,

So he’s now proven that he sees nothing wrong with launching attacks against innocent family members of his perceived enemies. That’s going to work REALLY well in foreign policy and conflict.

Problem is, when you buy LSD or anything like that, you don’t know for sure what you’re getting. Around SDSU when I was in college, a great deal of the drugs people were getting were “designer” imposters that imitated the effects of the certain drugs. It easily may not have been LSD.

That being said, I can’t take

But possession of weed will get some people life sentences. Lol. Our justice system is a joke.

So they’re finally admitting that a woman getting attacked verbally or physically doesn’t actually have to be the woman’s fault over in conservative land? Wow.

All politics aside, and despite my disagreeing with their views on a lot of things, no one deserves that kind of treatment and going through it, it’s hard to

^ This. Writing off everyone who has a different opinion as being a troll doesn’t do anything to open a discussion. OP has different views. I think they suck, but calling him a name (and also devaluing the art of a good trolling effort) isn’t going to change any minds or provide alternatives.

What that other reply said. It was a hyperbole expressing frustration with op’s take on women only being good for baby making.

If a woman chooses to have children, cool! If she chooses not to, also cool! The point is having the choice. =]

Serious. Why would you assume trolling from my response and not a the OP who is asserting that there are “legitimate reasons for what many call the “patriarchal model.”” after saying women are “biological gatekeepers” and have a responsibility to manage having children?

Totally agree with that.