
Sorry, I’m too busy making more than my husband as an engineer to let him be the bread winner for our household. I’m also getting a tubal in a couple weeks so we won’t be having kids ever. We have separate finances and have things divided up equally because WE ARE FUCKING EQUALS. He is not my daddy who needs to

I wonder if he plans on marrying them off to form alliances with other old money families.

Love the username, btw.

God forbid he leave his business and money to his GIRL CHILDREN.

Replied to Anchoweresque with an explanation. XD

No worries, it’s kind of a counter culture thing I guess. Visual Kei (like the band Dir En Grey) and some neo goth type fashion trends already use the cut out version. My “poor” reference was relating to how making your own for costuming or what have you costs 99 cents, as opposed to however much these must cost. XD


He’s just making the same face that Justin Bieber and Baby Grande are always making. It’s super “in” right now.

I was raped in high school by my first boyfriend, then again by a guy I had just met that night at 16 when I was at an after school party, statutory raped by a guy who was a friend of a friend who said he was 17, turned out to be 22 and had lied about everything when I caught a glimpse of his ID out on a date after

Joke flew riiiiight over your head. Lol.

I might be down for this because I’m weird, but whenever I wear crocheted scarves, the little fuzzies get in my eyes. I can’t even imagine how obnoxious this must be actually ON YOUR FACE.

I’ll just be a poor and use a nylon stocking with holes cut out. =[

Oh, it’s already ALLLL on Glassdoor. XD

You sound like a real class act human being. Lol.

Hope these guys end up dying at the hands of women and can’t enter their desired afterlife because of the shame.

Weird, getting sober made me an atheist.

Not sure how that’s worse than Clinton calling young black men “super predators” and aiding the system that turned minorities into a cash cow market for privatized prisons, but that’s none of my business -sips tea-

I know! My sense of humor must be super lame. Lol.

This is how I’ve eaten Kit Kats and Reeses for ages. I like to dissect my food as I eat it. I also eat rolled tacos/taquitos this way: tortilla first, then use fried tortilla chips to eat the filling. Bonus points for dipping the fried chip in guac and/or salsa before topping with rolled taco/taquito filling.


One that’s about to go bankrupt because they hired a guy to run the departments that actually produce the work who embezzled a ton of cash while telling anyone that contradicted him that they should “get the hell out of the industry if they couldn’t handle strong leadership” in his pompous French Canadian accent. Lol.


Oh and also got skipped over for a promotion because another boss at a different company refused to promote women over men because he was Mormon. He brought in a guy from a totally different department that had nothing to do with code to over see a dev department. It crashed and burned and I got out before they had to

I contacted a lawyer, but it was a catch 22, it was he said/she said and I couldn’t legally record anything to gather evidence because wiretapping laws. Unless they sent me an incriminating email of their own accord, I’d have nothing. No one else at the company (mostly men) would take my side when I asked if they’d

I’m a dev at a great company now making twice as much and recently sent them a detailed message with screenshots of everything broken on their latest site release. XD It was awesome.