
My old boss did that and we carpooled together for a bit. I stopped and quit shortly after he started talking about how he thought humans weren’t meant to be monogamous and his wife accused me of sleeping with him after she got drunk at a Christmas party.

I could go on and on about that place. I heard they take in

1) I never had one to begin with. Most women don’t, or don’t have one fully intact. It doesn’t work that way. Stop perpetuating that belief, people.

2) I’ve slept with probably 100+ people and so has my fiance. We’re totally okay with the fact that we’re both experienced because we both got tested and discussed it in

I don’t have OG Ghoulish, just Ghoulish (I got confused when I realized they were two different shades!)

However, the longer lasting lip stains that don’t have a shiny coating (Like Makeup Forever Aqua Rouge or Revlon’s Colorstay) tend to be smellier and more drying. That’s just a downside to long lasting lip color,

Maybe they should stop carrying drug store makeup and marking the prices up 3x the CVS price then.

Giant diamonds look like costume jewelry. Your preference is your preference though.

It led to many good times on the road. That’s for sure. Lol.

Nice to see people still don’t understand CONSENT.

Yep. This worldwide idea of chastity is mainly a marketing tool to get fans to think that the celebrity is “waiting for the right one”, aka them. Giving them hope that they might be swooped up one day.

This is why I listen to rock and metal. Everyone just fucks.

Nice to see that developers aren’t the only ones who have to keep up with all of this technology.

I’ve noticed with LA Splash, if I don’t exfoliate my lips before I wear them, they pucker and look kind of wrinkly up close. I usually just sweep on some Baby Lips when it happens, but I’d love to find that happy medium. Hope this is it! Thanks!

This is my first time getting one of her lip stains. I’ve only used Make Up Forever’s Aqua Rouge (minus the shiny side, too sticky for me and I prefer the matte look) and LA Splash Cosmetics’ lip stain.

How do you like them? Are they drying? Do you have to reapply after meals?

Did he just watch too many Disney movies and think that anyone who sees things differently than him has red glowing eyes and worships an evil entity or something?

Yay! Good luck! If you have really acne beyond the occasional bump and “skin congestion”, I’d recommend hitting up a dermatologist just to be sure you’re doing all you can. I also use a salcylic acid face wash, but I was using that as well as bare minerals and was still having issues. A doctor’s intervention can make

I just made VIB this weekend at Sephora. I probably spend a good $500-$1000 there a year because I make decent money from costume contests around Comic Con and Halloween, usually enough to break even at least, which I usually make up doing small gigs on the side of my normal job.

Just re-upped on my Make up Forever

I think having an environment closer to yours, and teaching kids respectful ways of speaking up and questioning adults in a healthy manner is SO beneficial to learning about and preparing for the real world. Training kids to simply follow orders and never question authority or see authority as their equals can be

Like how people thought Obama’s existence would end racial inequality?

I thought you used coffee makers to make crack. (Cocaine Cowboys 2)

We have five animals in our house. One dog, two elderly cats (19 and 20) and two younger cats (2 and 6 months). The elderly cats like their space, but get along well with the rest. The two younger cats are more aggressive but get along okay and all of the animals get along with my dog, often curl up with her or lay

My mom is an RN and my first exposure to STEM, which I now work in, was playing with her stethoscope.

This woman is a disgrace.