
If she wants to act like that, she should move to a US/Mexico border town. She’d fit in well.

Doesn’t look like military school fixed his behavioral issues AT ALL. If that isn’t negative press for their attendance, I don’t know what is.

I was a vegetarian and declined to partake in the dissections. I was given an F on the assignment, even though I asked for an alternative. At the time, I had nothing against people that wanted to go into scientific research or anything like that, I just knew that I didn’t feel right about doing something like that.

My fiance and I have always taken turns. We’re still pretty traditional as far as interests go, he loves cars, I love cooking, he likes home remodeling and I like playing with make up. But we are both professionals with great jobs and made about the same, though now I’m making more after three years and we just keep

Totally! I’m very healthy now, have a great doctor, and I’m marrying a guy who is extremely supportive. Also, getting therapy after walking away from religion. I still have a lot of issues, my doctor calls it ptsd and anxiety from being told that I’m always being watched by a god and even my own thoughts weren’t safe.

Soooooo as bad as the Scorpion King?

When I was 12-13, I started having mental health issues, involving self harm and stuff like that. Instead of getting treatment, my family accused me of letting myself get possessed by the devil by watching horror movies and that if I said anything to my doctor about it, it would go on my record forever and I would

Courtney Stodden’s low back must hurt so much.

You do realize that almost ALL musicians, especially the greats, write music about their trials. Drug abuse, sexual abuse, horrible relationships, etc.

Have you ever actually listened to music that came out before 2000?

I had a separate conversation going with him and when he ran out of retorts, he took to accusing me of stalking him and being childish, then repeating my own words back to me from his perspective. Apparently he’d rather me write him an entire research paper every time I reply to him rather than snark a bit and have

As someone who works in the ad and marketing industry, 10 years as a designer and now working in dev, you would NEVER roll out new branding before having it ready to go for EVERYTHING.

You would more than likely have people running around for a month and then a dedicated team stay late into the night before the

Also, repeating my comments back to me shows a real lack of effort.

I don’t think you know what “stalking” means. Now if you mean, I went about my life last night instead of waiting on your every word and then stopped by jezebel before getting down to work today only to see an alert that you had replied, yes, but that’s not stalking. Don’t flatter yourself. I didn’t have to plant a

Of course she would complain about a bad photo of her. How else is they going to keep shilling that melon extract bullshit serum?

The repubs love to terrify people into thinking we’re broke and then demonizing the poor for “taking all their money”. LOLLLL. It would be hilarious if I didn’t live here though. XD

So someone disagreeing with you upsets you THAT fucking much? Lol. Then you insult them for snarking, while snarking yourself and call them childish? LOLLLL. Keep going, keep going!

Aw, can’t handle people laughing at you? Based on the amount of people you’re responding to right now, looks to me I’m not the only one who thought your original point couldn’t have been serious.

But before you start using accusations of “snark” as an insult, you might want to look in the mirror? Ending your statement

Because I literally thought you were joking and replied in a similarly humorous way. Apparently not though, that’s why it’s funnier now.

Is there meth in the water supply in Phoenix?

And by the way, these are comments on an internet article, not a thesis project. Yes, my friends and I regularly go a lot deeper into these topics, voicing ideas and opinions, but you’re just an anonymous avatar that I really don’t feel I need validation from on my political opinions.

The fact that you’re freaking out