
We should stop persecuting Christians so much and infringing on their rights to blow us women up with our sexy sex and our VAGINAS.

How dare we decide we aren’t ready for kids to pursue better lives, careers (not like we aren’t going to be able to pay more in taxes and support our country if we aren’t stuck at home

Honestly, I just watch it because they don’t have paid programming and since I sleep with the TV on (not my choice, my fiance likes the noise), I’d rather wake up to Wives with Knives or Bad Blood than someone screaming at me to buy a super absorbent towel.

Can we just duct tape Food Babe’s mouth shut?

Well, my male coworker disagreed with me once and instead of discussing it like adults, he grabbed me by my hair, shook my head violently and kicked my repeatedly after I fell IN THE MIDDLE OF OUR OFFICE and no one said anything. When I reported it, they said it wasn’t sexual assault, so they couldn’t do anything

I’m from the US but my opinion is less about the mark up on the costs and more about doctors that just plain don’t care or are so overwhelmed by a system that requires you to get a doctors note for a common cold to take time off or work at a lot of places of employment.

Just going to repost my response I gave to

Not all places offer that, but some do. I know you can ask about it up front. I take care of my vision and dental care that way because $12/month for 12 months is more expensive than paying $50-$60 out of pocket in cash once every year or two.

Fair enough. Even with that kind of healthcare though, getting in and getting something treated when your symptoms are vague can be hectic. I’m not saying you shouldn’t go to the doctor, just that I went six years trying to get chronic pain, nausea and weight gain diagnosed and was told stupid things like “You’re just

How has he played the entire thing without running into the damn bugs is what I want to know.

Because it takes months to get in, it costs loads of money, even with insurance because a single tylenol costs $400, and because most doctors aren’t Dr House and don’t end up finding out what’s wrong with you until 4 years later because they always pick the easiest option instead of running full tests, etc etc.

I started playing online games at 12 and by 17, I quit playing mmos and live because of the harassment I received from men, calling me a fat ugly bitch, telling me to kill myself, and stalking me, usually grown men. When my boyfriend would play with me and stick up for me in the game lobbies and in the mmos, suddenly

What is with people throwing things at the restaurant staff? How is that acceptable behavior? We need interventionists for people that reach adulthood without being reprimanded for still acting like children and served community service in a homeless shelter food line.

Also! I was dating a guy in college who was kind a

He knows that for a 10-11 year old to carry to term could kill both her AND the baby, and would probably do irreparable damage to her sexual organs and surrounding organs and tissue right?

He’s 100% pro birth and didn’t give a single shit about the little girl that was raped. THAT is a tragedy, on top of the tragedy of

Did Gala Darling direct this video? Holy shit.

I personally know a lot of devs and former employees that worked at corporate. This is all 100% true. Their “rebuttal” is the typical response of someone higher up who answers to people who are out of town 75% of the time.

In this day and age where devs, marketers, designers, sysadmins, etc can all work at places that

If it removes its head and sees its shadow, does that mean that climate change really IS happening?

So if he’s not against using fetal tissue, then he’s not against abortion. End of story. If he still wants to defund PP, he has it out for women. There’s no argument there. You can’t have it all ways. Commit to you fucking story and stop lying.

No. “Abortion” is not a dirty word. Abortions are safe, legal medical procedures and because the pro-birthers are so loud, everyone feels like they should be ashamed or consider their procedure “the hardest thing they’ve ever had to go though”. Same goes for things like rape, mental illness, etc— all taboo.

If we

I’m a dev though, so playing videogames is my life. The rest of this though, spot fucking on!

Think about what you just said.

A couple people on a small plane with limited luggage is necessary.

LOTS of people and LOTS of luggage on a large plane is still just as necessary.

My dad owns a plane and I have to listen to him talk about this stuff ALL the time when we fly places. Weight matters and the most exacting,

Oh hey look! Someone trying to capitalize on our struggles!