
When you cut people’s insurance, you make them have to turn to the government for their medications. For people that hate having so many on government assistance, they sure keep pushing people to need government assistance.

You know that tax payer money already doesn’t cover abortions right? That’s already a law. The tax payer money goes toward birth control coverage for low income men and women, cancer screenings, pap smears and similar care and other such services. Abortions have to be paid for out of pocket by the person choosing to

Tomorrow is payday. I’m going to my local Planned Parenthood, which has been providing me with my gyno care for years, and writing them a fat check.

They do realize that the Nazis were a conservative party, run by a man that called himself a Christian, that promoted racism, prejudicial activities and limiting people’s freedoms, confined them to ghettos, tried to dictate what people could wear in public, etc etc etc.

Take your medication, Bill.

Ah okay, I was under the impression that statute of limitations applied only to sex crimes. This makes more sense now. Thank you.

When will statutes of limitations be thrown out? Do they serve any reasonable purpose other than to protect scumbags? Despite my charged choices of words, I’m honestly asking.

Someone’s been watching too much Supernatural.

If you’ve ever worked retail, the mannequins are always smaller than the smallest size. They pin the clothing in the back to make it skin tight and more fitting on the mannequin. So while, yes the size of the article of clothing may be one sold in the store, it is being pinned to fit a body that is a size, if not 3

As a teenager, I wanted to be mannequin sized so badly that I survived on pretzels, diet coke, and cocaine along with a handful of other drugs to counteract the bad effects (came from a family of money and had it at my disposal, the privilege of drug abuse), from the age of 14. I grew to 5’3 and at my lowest, I was

DANG! 60mg-100mg is my nightly dose. Poor kid. We need more drug education in this country like they do in Scandinavia. Before a giant rave in LV years back, I remember someone printed up a bunch of pamphlets on the dangers, what to expect and safety precautions to take when doing ecstasy and everyone lost their damn

Does anyone ask this of people that get work injuries and get settlements? Does anyone ask this of people that have to sue and give interviews when their school district fucks their kids over? Do we ask addicts that go on to do interventions and make a career out of helping others get clean if they’re trying to profit

There are a lot of things in this world that religious folks don’t like, but they don’t seem to go after them with such determination as women’s rights to healthcare and careers, minority’s rights to living or existing in the same spaces or lgbt rights to basically anything. I don’t think my fiance *needs* to take

This article resonated with my experience in shopping at Trader Joe’s last night in a desperate attempt to find lychees now that they’re back in season. I now remember why I don’t shop at Trader Joe’s. So many upper middle class women, zoiked out of their minds, with a gaggle of 5 children all knocking things off the

This is why no one will tie my tubes. This is why I’ve had to deal with the CEO of a company I worked for asking me “Why does a woman need to make that much?” when I pointed out that my part time, male intern who didn’t have the education or experience I did at the time made $2 more than I did an hour. This is why

Because, as Juliarams said, they don’t get holes in the crotch and thighs like target or other places that sell cheap workout attire do. I knew nothing about this store and my sister let me borrow a pair while I was in town, came home and freaked out over how comfortable they were, thick, but not too warm, pockets,

Can I get one for my soon to be husband? Because I’m the bread winner, he takes care of the home more than I do and he’s got just as much plastic surgery as I do.

Hundreds of thousands of women are not being/have not been protected by the people their tax dollars and all of our tax dollars are paying to protect them/us. What the fuck is wrong with this world.

Is rape not a crime? Is sexual assault not a crime? Last time I checked, there are laws against these things, so why does

I just had to sudden urge to give my computer screen a standing ovation in the middle of my office. Thank you for this piece. You just summed up a good chunk of most women’s lives: just because you did something on your own terms once, doesn’t mean you have to do it again and again on someone else’s. THEN, to have

Same here. My little sisters got the next one in the series, I can’t even recall what it was, and I played it briefly and hated it. There’s a huge difference between a little cross team trash talk and calling someone something racist, sexist or threatening their lives. A lot of people that partake call it just jokes

It was so much fun ~2006 with CoD Modern Warfare 2, where people were super into it. I remember chats were cool, but something happened around 2008-2012 that just sent everyone into a psycho public humiliation frenzy. I dunno what it was, but after that, I quit with the first person shooters. People get to aggressive