
San Diegan here. The Chargers can fuck right off. Bye! Don’t let the door hit you on the way out! BYEEEEE.

If a gun is given as a gift, you are still supposed to get a transfer through a certified dealer, at least that’s how it is here. You’re still supposed to get a background check, then you have to take a written test (for a handgun only) and some places make you get training certification. (Waiting period *I THINK*

FUNNY. If it’s like civil rights, women’s suffrage and slavery, why does your party still seem to support the wrong side on all of those things, but ABORTION is the one they choose to be against?

Well done, sir. Now kindly, fuck right off.

ANNNNNNND they wonder why we don’t report this shit.

“You’re supposed to have a high IQ, which I’m doubting right now because of the way you act,” Gorcyca said.

Two words:


She needs to be brought up on charges.

Psh, don’t say that. Orcs matter too. Lol.

You’re not weird! The vagina expands/deepens when you’re aroused. You can actually gain around 4 inches in depth.

Why do you need a prescription for something like this? It’s just like a big diva cup. Provide instruction with pictures and make it over the counter! Men don’t need prescriptions for condoms. Seriously, people.


Haha, I love how your articles always bring out the scummiest people to offer their two cents and then accuse you of somehow “censoring” them. Newsflash people: no one wants to read your nasty attitudes or hear about your IQ or any of that. Anna is saving us from your shit.

Same goes for government agencies, like those for vets, and most doctor offices, dental, hospitals, etc. 50s-early 90s software.
Switching to new systems is hard, takes time, requires training and IT has to build all new things for those systems. Why be safe when you can be cheap?

The most important fact here is that there really aren’t enough occasions in life to wear sun hats trimmed with tropical fruits.

Okay, so this is the first time I’ve ever encountered something I would totally do in this series, except I’d never do it in public.

Whenever I’m home alone for the night because my man is out with friends or something, I will eat raw cookie dough or raw batter (cake, brownie, whatever) out of a giant bowl while I play

Imagine if our society looked down on the guys who couldn’t keep their sexual arousal to themselves instead of looking up to their douchebroness. What a world that would be.


They do realize that the rebel flag is a sign of turn coats, right? They exactly like the people who cry oppression when they are told to stop oppressing others. Get over it. This isn’t your heritage!

Hmmm, how to answer sexism in a way a sexist might understand?

I just put Adult Ceremony/Reception. If anyone thinks that implies anything dirty, that’s their problem. More cake for us.

Ugh, I used go on tour with bands in this genre (dated a band member for several years), and this happens ALL THE DAMN TIME. Cops don’t do anything, security is practically useless and no one bothers checking IDs before they bring some girl on a tour bus to do the deed. Record label people facilitate this behavior and

Seriously? Women are THAT scary to you and anything mysterious about them is witchcraft? SERIOUSLY? It’s 2015 and women are still being brutally murdered because we confuse/scare men. WTF.