
A) No one asked you to buy us those free drinks. We make our own money. You only buy them because you think spending $10 on liquor will get you laid.

B) Free entry is not something we ask for. It’s something clubs do because men are more likely to attend a club with a higher ratio of women. Don’t want women to get free

Teresa always looks like her wig is slipping forward on her head.

This guy has clearly never been to a sushi restaurant. You NEEEED them to pre-bus your table to fit all of those rolls!

Because metaphors are lost on some people. I think movies like this challenge people to think beyond the idea that property and slavery were only limited to the African American struggle, or even in immigration issue our country still struggles with.

Slavery and the idea that people are property is not dead. We have

My little sisters and I LOVED our dinosaur toys as kids. We would set up a “squad” of different dinosaur toys and then have one brontosaurus or t-rex that was their “throwing” dino. Then we would take turns tossing our throwing dinos at each other’s squads. Whenever one got knocked down, he was out and got set aside.


Protesting rape culture is promoting the view that men AREN’T animals and CAN function in society without being monsters. Her protest is 100% PRO-male, and pushes the view that men can control themselves and shouldn’t be compared to the likes of those that rape or sexually assault others.


All in favor of making fines percentage based relative to corporate profits?

Today’s Headline:

And they’re worried gay people are ruining the sanctity of marriage? Lo-fucking-L.

So he’s saying that men are savages that can’t control themselves, let alone follow the law?

It’s totally true. If you drive through the more low income areas, everything is brown, people are tearing up their lawns and putting in lava rocks, cement, or just letting it all die.

Okay, as much as I didn’t like his comments, I don’t think he should have resigned. No matter what his opinions are on women, they are a learned behavior that HE could change by simply treating everyone with equal respect.
That being said, and I’m not sure I”m going to say this correctly because it seems like it

This teacher taught a friend of mine when he went to school there. He said that she absolutely IS a biggot and pushes her beliefs on her students as well.

Remember when Stephanie Meyer was going to release Edward’s POV of the Twilight series and someone stole that and leaked it and then she decided she wasn’t going to finish writing it?

Right? Let’s all forget that she just accomplished something huge and focus on the fact that she has breasts under there that are intimidating and disrespectful. While I can see arguing that the rules for both MEN and WOMEN could be pulled into play here, which I would totally respect as an argument, simply arguing

Edibles work too. Js. No side effects either.

Let’s face it. This bill was drafted with religious opinions in mind. Science falls on the side of those who seek abortions. Religion deals misinformation and seeps its way into legislation. Last time I checked, these were the same people fighting for less gun control because they sought to uphold the Constitution and

The society we have created should be called “power/humiliation culture” now. When I screwed up as a kid, I had to deal with religious stuff, but my parents would usually just ground me. They never tried to publicly humiliate me in front of strangers. Same goes for the humiliation of women in general, usually related

Yes, let’s waste more tax dollars while the average American has less than $10k in their savings accounts. Wtf is wrong with this country?

They did this at my school too and got away with it because they were private. If you came out as gay, bi, trans and any religion other Christian, including just showing some doubts, BOOM! Expulsion.