British Jason Biggs

I can't even imagine that moment live. It already gets me insanely hyped, so I'm genuinely not sure I could handle it combined with the crowd going fucking nuts.

I'm in awe of how addictive that new Chvrches song is. It doesn't matter how many times in a row I listen to it. That climax gets me every single time. Easily their best song IMO, and that's saying something.

Same. I've almost been convinced on a few occasions to check out one of their albums, however. Almost.

Ugh. I want to watch this so bad. Not having internet for 5 days: 0 stars

Harry Potter, A Series of Unfortunate Events and His Dark Materials were the book series I was really into in the primary grades. I don't think anything will ever match the feeling of anticipating each new installment of ASOUE and Harry Potter. Those midnight launch parties were so fun. I really, really hope that the

I'm glad everyone here is liking it a lot. I thought it was good, not great. Weirdly enough, my friend who's a huge MCU fan pretty much hated it. There isn't anything approaching a consensus on the film and I'm kind of happy about that. It makes for more interesting discussion.

For what it's worth, I immediately regretted mentioning Hannibal . That's why I added the edit. But I certainly wasn't saying that either one of the shows was "more original". I wasn't even really trying to say that Rectify is. Stephen is right: both shows are definitely very distinct and special in their own ways.

Yep. There's a reason I only really follow and play Nintendo stuff these days. Even with their recent financial troubles, they haven't stopped making fun the focus of everything they do - not just games, either. There's no doubt that Iwata was a huge part of that. Here's hoping that the company continues taking

Frankly, I'm more devastated by this than I have been by any celebrity death in the past couple of years. I loved that guy. Not only was he a brilliant programmer and businessman, but I loved watching him in Nintendo Directs and the like. He was adorable. I'll miss him a lot.

I love Hannibal and all, but as far as I'm concerned, Rectify is the best thing on television right now. There's no other show that's doing what it's doing.

In the time since I marathoned the previous two seasons about a year ago, this show has come to mind quite often. It probably sticks with me more than any other show I watch. I've tried to get a couple friends into it to no avail, unfortunately. Their loss. If your main criticism of the show is that "nothing happens",

And here I was thinking Chiyo would save the day at the last second. My bad for assuming what would happen on any other show would happen on this one.


Known aliases: British Jason Biggs, BJB, my real name is Darby (although that's not known)
Favorite Community season/episode(s): S1, Remedial Chaos Theory, Advanced D&D
Favorite study grouper: Troy
Favorite Greendale faculty member: Duncan
Whereabouts: Northern Ontario
Best known for: Having the largest collection of pink

Added you! Also added my code to the thread, so anybody else is free to add me.

So, I went ahead and watched those two leaked episodes of Rick and Morty. I don't want to spoil anything, but all you need to know is that this show is still hilarious, clever and weird. The first episode has one of my favourite gags of the show so far.

I don't really think that Amazon is going to pick up the show, but a response from a random customer service representative isn't going to convince me that they're not still a possibility.

No. That's what makes them so good.