British Jason Biggs

Huh. I would have thought the budget would stay the same or even increase if the show moved to somewhere like Netflix. I guess that shows what I know.

Ugh. That sucks. At least I caught up in time so that I'm able to watch this show live and savor it for its probable last season. That said, I wouldn't be all that surprised if it were to make the move to cable or maybe Netflix, especially considering it already seems like it belongs there anyway. I'd only want it to

To my shame, I haven't seen Manhunter or Silence of the Lambs yet. I should remedy that.

I'll likely move onto that one soon, so that's good to hear. I had the same problem. It's probably partially because I'm so used to Fuller's version, but I was surprised how much the book was bogged down by procedural stuff. It didn't help that I thought Hannibal would be much more prominently featured than he was.

So, today I both finished Red Dragon, which I started reading a few days ago, and watched the two latest episodes of Hannibal. Keeping in mind that Red Dragon is the only one of the Thomas Harris novels I've read so far, I have to say that I vastly prefer Fuller's interpretation of this universe. It was a decent

Also, I'll let your Super Mario World slander slide, but only because Super Mario Bros. 3 is an almost equally phenomenal game.

Same. I'm pretty certain I'll suck at making levels myself, but I'm looking forward to seeing the insane stuff people are going to do with it. I wasn't sold before those Nintendo World Championship runs, but now I can't wait.

I'd be down to make it my first liveblog.

I'd love to do this again! Sign me up for "Analysis of Cork-Based Networking".

Okay, here we go. Good.

Who thought that mentioning Kingdom Hearts and then immediately showing a trailer for a mobile game was a good idea?

Didn't catch that. Understandable, then. In any case, a KK Slider amiibo is a thing I'm going to be able to purchase. Nothing else really matters.

No Zelda Wii U stuff at all. Weird. Not a particularly eventful conference, but considering Nintendo does events like this pretty often, I'm not all that disappointed.

Made even better by the fact that they faked everyone out with a port of the PC version a few months ago.

Sony is in the middle of the best E3 conference I've ever seen right now.

I did! Fallout 4 looks like it's going to be really good, but it's going to be such a timesink that I'm almost dreading its release. Also, I guess I have to buy a PS4.

Blasphemy. I sit through it every time.

That reminds me that I really need to start watching season 2 of Broad City.

Neither can I. But I'm watching Orphan Black and got to see this in its intended context. Maybe not a worthy substitute, but I'm not complaining.

I read that as "the producer of Rocky and Bullwinkle".