British Jason Biggs

Same. Actually, I'm alright at getting splats in Splat Zones and typically rank in the top two, but I haven't been able to get on a good enough streak yet to graduate from C-. Someday.

It's been a while since I've made an effort to catch a show live every week. Looks like I'll need be doing that with Hannibal. Yaaaay, appointment television is a part of my life again!

Ugh. So disturbing. Sometimes I hate this show as much as I love it.

Oh wow, that finale. I'm so ready (and excited!) for tomorrow now.

I just got to the scene in Hannibal where Mason Verger…you know. How did that air on network television?! I realise that I'm probably echoing everyone who has ever seen that episode, but holy shit.

Was addictive? I hit 20x19 and I'm still playing. I need help.

My amiibos are on the way in the mail. I couldn't resist, although whether or not they were really worth it is yet to be seen. Also, add me! My ID is darbythefourth.

I didn’t go into the finale with any real expectations. At most, I thought it would be an unremarkable yet inoffensive end to a show that still means something to me but used to mean a whole lot more. I certainly didn’t think I’d shed any tears - maybe a few at the end when I realized that this was maybe, probably the

Todd wasn't wrong - that was a perfect finale for the show. Where was that all season? I still hope the movie happens, but I'd also be totally fine if this was it.

So, I have now been accused multiple times of:

It's so much fun! Also, I need those amiibos.

So, is this movie "so bad it's good" or just bad? Because I'm dangerously close to suggesting to a friend that we go see this. It sounds hilarious.


I got it! My ID is darbythefourth. Feel free to add me if you'd like.

Speaking of Beat The Champ, what would be a good album to start with if I wanted to get into The Mountain Goats?

10 is a link to and I find that really funny because I've used that website before and made the exact same mistake.

Keeping in mind that these grades are on the "season six scale"…

More than one person I've known has dismissed Wall-E as boring based on the first hour. Those people are crazy. It's a beautiful film.

I rewatched the episode. You know what? I think I like it a lot. All of the characters are well utilized. You could make the argument that the episode paints them as unlikable, but it's not as if the group hasn't been looked at from that perspective before. For what's it's worth, I actually think it's an interesting