British Jason Biggs

Reports of at least 100 dead at the Bataclan alone. I'm at a loss for words.

Maybe the X-Files revival? Joel McHale is on it!

Oh, and my friend code is 4656-7936-0093 if you need that.

I'll add you! I'll be "Darbs", I think? I don't remember how it works.

I'm not usually a sports guy, but holy shit, that game. It's possible I might love baseball now.

Didn't he already direct one of these? Marvel's The Birdman or whatever?

Have they announced a director? I know who would be perfect for it!

She's just the best.

Who's your friend who likes to play?

I'm glad you enjoyed it! It's a great episode for sure. If anything, seasons 5 and 6 needed more of those kinds of jokes.

Please stop :(

Episode 5x06: “Analysis of Cork-Based Networking”

1. The Vanishing (1988)
2. Seven Samurai (1954)
3. Underground (1995)
4. Straight Outta Compton (2015)

I'll definitely be able to write that sometime this week. Maybe even tomorrow.

Even with no details or a personal connection, the mere mention of sick dogs makes me sad. I hope yours gets better!

Also, this album is so damn good.

I probably would have preferred no non-Lauren songs, but "High Enough to Carry You Over" is pretty catchy.

Yay! I have just enough time to listen to this before work.

That was indeed rad, thanks for sharing! Some of those people were far too reserved for my liking, however.

That's nice! I need more music shirts.