British Jason Biggs

The first season is my favourite and this one doesn't even begin to approach its level of quality in my opinion. This season seems to be trying to emulate the first in some ways, but it's missing a lot of the humanity that made it great. Back then, these characters (and the ones that are missing) were so well realized

Yup. Unlike the other episodes, this one felt like it belonged to the season promised by the premiere.

I think that the Dean's stupidity in this episode was more than worth it for Frankie's reaction, honestly.

I loved that bit.

It says a lot that I think that was the best episode of the season so far…but it was. It's pretty tasty pizza, with a lot of great character moments, even for Elroy. I actually thought the jokes were very solid across the board as well. Sometimes present-day Community can still be brilliant when it commits to a more


I'd be interested in your reasoning for ranking "Basic Email Security" above "Cooperative Polygraphy". I don't think the jokes in the latter episode are funny enough to warrant calling it a classic, but I absolutely love how present Pierce is, despite being dead. Also, I'd argue that the ending is more emotionally

I thought the new episode was pretty fun. It had some issues, but the characters seemed like themselves to me and there were glimpses of the rapid-fire dialogue that characterized the show in its best days. I'll give it a B+, but that's definitely on the season six scale.

I honestly had no idea that it might be the last season (might not be a bad idea though). So I couldn't tell you!

Somebody needs to send out the memo that the death of physical media isn't allowed to happen until I stop having shitty internet (preferably not at all).

Here's a trailer for Orange is the New Black Season 3!

Yep. It's sad how often they're seemingly content to forget certain bits of character development if it's convenient to the story that they want to tell (like Jeff's teaching in this episode).

Welp. I didn't like the new episode at all. I'm having trouble coming up with specific criticisms or even grading it because it was just so far away from the Community that I love. I was excited after the first episode of the season because I thought it signified a change in tone for the series that would allow it to

Congratulations me me from an alternate universe where I know literally anything about sports!

Ugh. Okay, FINE. I'll start watching this soon like I meant to months ago.

The new episode was…fine? I think it's really awesome that they at least tried to tackle the Dean's sexuality, but it could have been executed far better than it was. If all the cards were played right, it could have been one of the most genuinely affecting episodes ever. Weirdly though, that's the plot that ended up

Thanks! I'm planning on picking up a New 3DS eventually, so I'll buy this as well when I do.

Do you think that somebody playing it for the first time on a handheld would lose anything? I've always wanted to play this game, but never actually picked it up on Wii .