British Jason Biggs

Apparently Nintendo is launching some type of new hardware next year (codenamed "NX"). I've seen some speculation that maybe this has been delayed in order to launch on that as well. Here's hoping that the new hardware is some sort of optional third pillar and not Nintendo's focus going forward, because even though I

100% of my group projects in uni so far (so just this one) have gone like this: I do the vast majority of the work and get literally no credit for it. In fact, I get a slightly lower mark than either of my group members because I'm not especially great at giving presentations.

1. Go Fish (not a real answer, but I don't really like playing cards for some reason)
2. a bicycle
4. I don't know if I've seen her as anyone other than Leia, so that.
5. Anything that doesn't make me feel sick (so nothing).

I wish you the very best of luck. Also, I hope that you continue with your podcast if that's possible! I enjoy it quite a bit.

British Jason Biggs has the largest collection of pink polka-dotted socks in the world.

My film prof seems to operate on the assumption that an overabundance of CGI = "fascinating". So, as a result of that, we watched Sucker Punch today and it only proved that there is absolutely no way in which that's true. He said he was excited to watch this movie (which he's seen several times) on the "big screen"

Group projects are one of the worst things to ever exist on this planet.

….you really think that would be a good road for the show to go down? Not much could make me stop watching this show, but that definitely would.

Hearing that song was the closest this episode came to making me feel something.

It's a good thing that texting joke was funny enough to bump up my grade, because that was…not very good, especially for a 100th episode. Last week I disagreed with what LloydBraun said about Britta, but it's almost as if this episode exists to prove his point. The stuff with her parents last week didn't really work

Taking an embarrassingly long nap earlier probably ruined any chance of going to bed at a decent hour. So it's looking that way!

What's worth checking out on Marvel Unlimited? I've always wanted to read more (any) comics, but some guidance is needed from people who actually know anything about the medium.

I'd like to say something and I'm going to post it on this board instead of the other one because that only seems appropriate.

The Grand Budapest Hotel

Ah, okay! I was just confused, so thanks for clearing that up.

Hi Digifreak! Not related to this, but you posted yesterday that I was part of the March Madness bracket…and I never signed up for it. I'm not sure if you're even the one running it, but I just thought I'd let you know that whoever you think is me must be somebody else!

…I didn't sign up for this?

Ruined her in what way? She turns in a really good performance in these two episodes. She's a great comedic actress, so it's awesome that she's being given a chance to showcase that.

Which one is that?

I enjoyed both episodes, even if I thought the second one wasn't as good (that tag was my favourite part of either ep, though). This definitely isn't a "new" show, but it's certainly one that feels a lot looser and more relaxed than ever before. Cast members have said in interviews that there was a more mellow vibe on