British Jason Biggs



I'm just a clerk. It's a relatively small store, so that's kind of the only job there (they only hire women as cashiers). I hate it, honestly. I wish I had more work experience so I felt confident trying to find something better. Oh well - it's very close to my university, at least.

I work at a supermarket and can confirm that "Silly Love Songs" deserves to be as high as it is.

Hmmm…I'm actually not sure. Also, it'll presumably be available on other platforms at some point after the launch period, so getting an Apple TV probably won't be necessary.

HBO Now is going to be exclusive to Apple TV at launch and cost $14.99. Supposedly, it's going to include access to HBO's entire library (past and present). That sounds like a decent enough deal if you watch a lot of HBO stuff. Sucks for those (like me) who don't have an Apple TV, though.

If the audience I had the pleasure of viewing Still Alice with is any indication, people think that Alzheimer's disease is really funny.

From this point on I'll be referring to piñatas as "mexican candy animals".

He needs to be okay…needs to be.

"Ah, boy, I'm just so tired of all these star wars." - Elsa, Star Wars

My friend introduced me to a Youtube channel that has uploaded alternative theme songs for nearly 100 shows. It's kind of amazing. Here's the playlist:…

…maybe I'm stupid, but what's "it"? I have no idea what anybody is talking about.

I thought you guys did a great job on the first episode! It was genuinely entertaining. I'm looking forward to listening to this one.

I just completed an entire draft of a term paper in one sitting and I'm not sure that I know who I am anymore.

I haven't seen Still Alice, but I did watch The Big Lebowski last night! Julianne Moore is pretty great in that.

Please, for the love of god, let Marion Cotillard win this.

Oh, that's what that was! I knew I recognized it. Weird.

This entire endeavour can still be redeemed if Marion Cotillard wins! She probably wont, though. Ugh.