
Face it, they, like Costco, rely on impulse buying for their profits. Impulse buying is much less effective on-line, and therefore they want shoppers in their stores, thus putting profit ahead of the health of their customers and employees.

This is just a prototype. Wait for the production model.

If there’s one thing I’m certain of, it’s that my fellow Americans will treat these robots with love and respect just like HitchBOT who traveled across this great nation from Boston to ... oh Jesus it was decapitated in Phili???

Indeed, this is really the silver lining in the whole COVID-19 cloud.

I keep trying to feel bad about this, but I then keep thinking about every dealership experience I’ve ever had... It’s difficult to find some middle ground where you want good things for employees, while wanting the whole thing to burn to the ground.

But thats how my daddy ran the business I inherited so it must be the only way.

Imagine if the industry had spent the last decade developing a modern sales model that didn’t require hours of in-person up-selling and paperwork, instead of lobbying for legislation that required it. 

I was ready to buy a Golf Alltrack last week. Then they lowballed me on a trade in, sold the car I was interested in, and said “what can we do to still get you in a car?” They generally seemed pretty flippant about the whole Coronavirus thing.

Well, I’m sure they can find a job waiting tables.

Frankly, even if he DOES need the walker, and have chest pains, and is going blind, so what? Bad people get old, too. Exactly what level of physical ill health should exempt you from responsibility for sex crimes?

I’d agree except I’ve never seen any evidence that vehicle regulation has ever been guided by the principal that a part must not ever have the potential of failing. TPMS is a required part that fails regularly in vehicles, offering this potential saftey issue. Cameras in Driver assist packages suffer from the same

It looks like finally someone will make a decently competitive EV that gets driving range and price close to the corresponding Tesla model.

Volvo is on a tear when it comes to styling. Given how many nondescript Dove soap bar lumps clog the roads nowadays, the Volvo “less is more” theme is truly a breath of fresh air. Just when you think there’s nothing left for styling that hasn’t already been done, the Swedes prove us wrong. Big kudos to Volvo.

Maybe YOU won’t be able to stick a body in there.

While getting them ready for school, eating dinner or getting ready for bed: no.

We used to have a Bazaar at Bagram in Afghanistan every Friday. Afghan dude brought his camel every week. $1.00 for you picture in front $3.00 for one up in the saddle. Security at the gate treated the camel like a truck and ran it thru the X-Ray Machine every week looking for bombs.

I’m not certain I want to expose my cell number to someone who wants pictures of a bag full of shit on the internet?

You can’t convince me that that isn’t a deteriorating, ill-fitting skin suit staring at the sun and golfing.

I feel bad for the whores at the visitor station.  Do you staff up or leave staffing as-is for invasion day?  

Only 6? I think you underestimate the stupidity of people. I would bet there are at least 6 people trying to access the area daily.