
Because their personal lives are such shit living vicariously through donald fucking trump seems like an improvement.

Yup, she’s actually worked in a public school system.


Does this bitch REALLY think that Trump combs through his tweets and personally addresses each one? Like he ignores all the people dunking on him but reads, responds, and solves problems for all the supporters that tweet at him??

Jesus Christ, does she not know how to call DHS? That bit about “Trump’s assistant” contacting her is particuliarly humorous.

So she’s free to be the next Secretary of Education?

Most people who use the internet are not smart enough to use the internet. This is especially true of the baby boomers and older Gen-Xers.

That’s just it, all these Orange Idiot supporters think he’s their personal friend out to do their hate work. It’s truly an amazing dynamic if you think about it. Everyone with a 50's mentality of white privilege and brown people hatred have found their savoir who ironically doesn’t give two shits about them.  What we

Everyone pays for VAG.

Say what you want about this shit heel, but his Michael Jackson cosplay is on point.

If you look at the teams listed above you can see why the number is low. First of all The Super Bowl will never get an accurate number because groups are watching. Second the country is suffering from Patriots fatigue. For real AFC get it together, more to the point AFC East get it together. The main reason The Pats

I only ever used Tumblr for adult content so I guess I’m never going back.

GM never should have gotten bailed out. No private company should get bailed out. If they actually had to face the risks, they would have run their company better. But the fact that they were labeled as “too big to fail” for years gave them far too much leeway to let their company go sideways. There would have been

There’s a lot you don’t (want to) understand, including how 45's steel tariffs have hurt the industry.

The trend towards using eminent domain to facilitate private initiatives is quite troubling. I can understand airports, but factories or hotels?

The article’s title: “GET THIS AWESOME NEW FEATURE NOW!!”

Fun fact: all unicycles are AWD.

That explains how I was looking at the mailbox when my Amazon order was supposedly delivered and saw no one come to the house. It was in the mailbox the next day.

Yeah, I guess I'm an asshole to be offended by this post.

When will you be posting the illustrations of what Disney princess pussies look like?