
@Grahmo: And it's equally foul when they do it.

@batman3ds: I know what MVC is, dear boy. And yes, I am struggling to get my head around it. I understand the concept and one day I'll crack it.

@I_have_something_to_say: Your typo aside, that makes her unattractive to me. Would you honestly rather sleep with someone who had been used by 70+ men before you, as opposed to say, 5?

@batman3ds: I didn't say(nor mean to imply) that it's absolutely necessary to always write every line of code yourself, or that not doing so makes you less of a programmer.

@batman3ds: I disagree. Being a geek means you care about something meaningless or that doesn't require any brainpower.

I’m glad I got mine. It’s several months old now, but the only thing out there that makes me even remotely jealous is the Galaxy S because of that gorgeous screen and better processor.

@Chroma: Absolutely. I bought it outright(about £420 here) and don't regret it one bit. Working from home, I don't pay for data as I use wifi. That means no 2-year contract or other monthly fees. Just pop in a sim card and top up if you want credit for text messages etcetera.

@ThrillHill: That was pretty much my first thought after looking her up on IMDB. Gross.

@Zing: That doesn't equate to 'super'. And do you personally know she loves men? For all we know it's all about the money. She may pretty much hate guys. Given that people who pay for access to her site are the ones being exploited, it's entirely possible.

@britishcoder: Oh and I know mine looks cute without make-up. I've no idea what this girl looks like

@Zing: Grats on reading the first paragraph of what I wrote and ignoring everything else.

'Supernerd' is likely overdoing it. Just because she's not unattractive and can code, she's a 'supernerd' rather than a nerd? Bullshit. Nerd sure, but let's not overstate it because she's attractive.

@RawlsRorty: Fair enough. I'll learn to read, not skim lol.

It's not a Laser Weapon System, it's a Laser Close-In Weapon System (CIWS), according to the BBC.

In this instance, the word used should be geek, not nerd.

@CaffineFreakUs: I wholeheartedly agree. Also, caffeine is spelt, well, that way. I assume the proper spelling was taken.

Spotify. But not for most Americans yet, of course.

@p8ball4life: I haven't needed to, because I'm not dumb enough to share my account details or to do other stupid things like use a weak password.