
@SpinalPap: I get the full RSS feed. This is the first time I've clicked on one and it was only due to frustration.

Why are you people so obsessed with iPad and iPhone cases? I get that the devices are extremely popular, but some days you have several stories just about them.

@badasscat: I understand how one bad experience can put you off. Also, to be honest, I think the Galaxy S(and the 4G version on Sprint is nice if you're in a 4G area) is the best Android phone around right now.

@Almightywhacko: There's always a small amount of errors in production(or it could be a design factor, I'm not sure) but that happens with most companies at some point.

Absolutely not. They'll get considered when they adopt Android and drop Symbian.

I'm smart enough to not buy an iPhone in the first place.

With voice recognition now being even more accurate than before(even if it is only US English for now) I use it a lot more.

It's epic, awesome and made of win. Why would you not like it?

Come on, this isn't freaky, creepy or weird. Google simply wishes to be helpful and profit from it. So long as they're not selling my personal information, I don't care. Facebook are much more likely to sell creepy information about me, as opposed to Google who just sell my habits. Clearly not the same thing.

Awesome. Stuff like this always lessens my boredom.

@Donly1: Plenty of handsets in China and some are sold with Bing on them as the nature of the operating system allows for it.

Right now, all eReader manufacturers(aside from Amazon) must be pretty desperate; their problem is that(at least here in the UK) Kindle book prices are so much lower than the other e-book stores(sometimes as much as 70% less) that unless you're buying hardware that can run a Kindle application, you'd be crazy to get

Combine this with Google TV and you'll have a great viewing experience.

@carigis: There's a process which will convert old film to HD. If cleaned-up well it looks great. It's not up-scaling, but proper HD.

@casperiv: Fine, but you get the basic idea.

Basically how it's done in White Collar. Good show and it's far more sensible to not imprison non-violent criminals and to monitor them using software.

@talkingstove: Possibly because Sony are known to suck at software(excluding games)

@tande04: But they're not banning it. Plus, if they want it to be Playstation-like, it'll need a custom interface.

Even if there was no opt-out and all users were forced to accept this, I fail to see the problem.